Chapter 7

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"Aunt Sarah, are you ready or not?" I called while leaning on the porch door frame of the kitchen.

"I'm coming!!" Sarah answered running from spot to spot in the kitchen in front of me, "I'm just trying to find the list..."

"It's in my purse." I say blandly.

"... and my phone..."

"In your front pocket." I lean my head against the frame.

"... keys???" She questions looking over the rims of her bug-eyed sunglasses.

"I'm driving, remember?" I jingle the keys out in front of me. "Now come on now, we got some farmers to see!"

Every Saturday since I was a little girl I remember Aunt Sarah taking me to the farmer's market. It wasn't a huge, expansive thing but as a little girl it always felt that way. There were fresh fruits, veggies, varieties of meats and cheeses, household decor and art, and all sorts of interesting people.

Each tent and display met each seller's personality and trade. Mr. Gerald always made sure to bring the goat who helped make the cheese he was featuring, Miss Maybelle would hand make her fresh fruit juice blends in an old stone bowl and the fisherman came with tall stories about their most recent catch.

Saturday mornings like this made me think of simpler times. Sometimes while Aunt Sarah would shop or catch up with an old friend, I would find a corner or some animals to hang out with and just enjoy the scenery. Now that I'm older, I participate in the shopping more and have really developed some strong relationships with these farmers by the sea. Miss Maybelle could go on forever about "how we're all connected, we all belong to the sea," as she ground up my favorite mix of pineapple, orange juice and guava.

Aunt Sarah and I were almost done with our shopping when a stranger bumped into me.

"Excuse me," the man gruffly mumbled before meeting my eyes. "Oh, you're uh, Aria right? Aria Oceanborne?"

The recognition of him caused my body to go stiff. "Uh yeah, that's me." I offer a kind smile while taking in his appearance; a black, crisp suit with a white button up shirt, blood red tie and black shoes dusty from the dirt pathways of the market.

"Dating my son, aren't you?" I nodded in reply. "Excuse my manners, might this be your mother?" He shifted his steely gaze to Aunt Sarah.

"Aunt actually, we're just enjoying the market." She answered in a more cold manner than is her nature. "Might I ask what brought you here Mr. Flint? I recognize you from the papers from a while back."

"Oh you're too kind, Miss..?"

"Sarah." She smiled flatly.

Des Flint chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his clean shaved face, sticking his other hand in his pocket. "Well truthfully, I'm here looking into a business opportunity."

"Well I hope you can take your business elsewhere." Unable to contain my shock, I shoot Aunt Sarah a quick glance. What was she doing?

"Ha, kind of the general consensus I get from the other small town folks around here." Des flashed a smile that didn't reach his eyes before putting and hand on my shoulder, "Guess I'll see you around, Aria. You should come over for dinner sometime, my wife would love to meet the mystery girl in Harry's life." Des winked at me before turning and walking away.

What the hell??

I stood there, dazed, quickly trying to process the weird encounter with Harry's step-dad. What did he mean 'mystery girl'? Harry and I had been dating for a couple of months now, there was no mystery to it. Had he not told his mom? Why wouldn't he do that?

Aunt Sarah's touch on my arm quickly pulled me from my thoughts. "You ok, sweetie?"

"Yeah, but what was that about? I've never heard you speak crossly with anyone before."

Aunt Sarah took a deep breath, allowing for her shoulders to sag briefly. "Do you remember that company a few years back that got caught dumping waste and chemicals into the bay?"

"I do! Artem and I couldn't swim or visit home for months!"

"Well," she popped the loaded bags higher up on her shoulder and began walking back to my truck, "that man is responsible. He also conveniently found a loophole saying that the current chemicals he was dumping weren't outright named on the 'no dumping list' , so his friend, also conveniently the judge on the case, said he wasn't guilty."

"What??" I asked incredulously, "you mean he didn't get in trouble?"

"Yep, and he's still allowed to do business here. Damn jerk."

The drive back home was a quiet one. Aunt Sarah was good about that, she seemed to know when silence was what I needed. There were quite few times growing up when I would go up to her and my mother while they were sitting at the very kitchen table that I was placing our groceries on now, and beg for some quiet time where Artem couldn't bother me. They would chuckle, agree and I would scamper up the stairs and retreat either to my window seat or the claw-footed bathtub in my bathroom.

Not much has changed, whenever I felt overwhelmed or wanted my own place to think I would submerge myself in the warm water of the tub, letting my worries disappear with the bubbles. Once all the bubbles were gone and I dried off I would crawl onto my window seat and let the sun sink into my skin.

Sure maybe there were reasons why he hadn't told his mom. But from what he had told me, they were very close to each other. So what reason could be so important?

I mean sure, he hasn't come to dinner at our house because of Artem. But at this point I'm sure he's already told my dad who is probably just tied up with something at moment back home.

I let out a long sigh and leaned my head against the window frame. A few moments later my phone buzzed.

Hey pretty girl, what are you up to? Xx

"Huh, speak of the devil." I murmur to myself.

Your ears must've been burning! I was just thinking about you

No way! Well I was thinking we could take a stroll on the beach? Meet you there in 30?

Haha sure Haz 😋

I let my phone slip from hands and back onto the cushion. Wrapping my arms around my knees I resolve that I'm going to ask him. I don't have to start a fight but I feel like I'm privy to that kind of information. Good relationships are built on good communication.

I can do this.


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