|| Jungkook ||

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You moved to a new city and since you don't know anyone and you enjoy dancing a lot, you signed up for dance lessons in a dance school.

When you walk into the hall for the lesson, it's still occupied by another group so you just sit down and watch the boys dance.
You notice that one of them is a lot younger than the others, he looks the same age as you.

You can't take your eyes off of him because of his dance skills and catch yourself smiling from time to time.

It's 5pm and their lesson ends now. As you're getting ready to do some warm-ups you feel a slight tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see the dancer you were literally staring at the whole time. "Uhm..Hi. I'm Jungkook. I'm sorry but did you kind of watch me dance earlier?" He asks. You don't know how to respond so you just say "what? Me? No, I just came in here."
Great! Well done! Now he thinks you're a creep!, You think.

"Really? I could swear that you were looking at me earlier when I danced" he answers with a smirk. "I noticed that you were looking at me because I was looking at you through the mirror" he adds shyly. Your heart is beating faster and faster and you muster the courage to tell him your name.

"I like your name. It's very pretty" he says, "maybe we can hang out sometime. Can I give you my number so you can text me when you feel like it?"

You give him your phone and he enters his number into your contacts. You see your dance teacher walking in so you say goodbye to Jungkook and go up to the teacher to introduce yourself.

You see Jungkook still standing there through the mirror so you turn around to wave him goodbye. He waves back with a wide smile and goes out the door.

>the next day<

It's Saturday and you don't have any plans for the evening. Should I text him?, You wonder.
You look through your contacts for his name. You look under J for Jungkook. It's not there. You finally find it under T and you read 'the guy you were staring at'. You can't help but smile.

You think about how you can start a conversation without being annoying or boring...

Hey Jungkook !

Hey 'guy I was staring at' !

Hey !

You type the messages but delete them immediately. You decide to just say 'Hey Jungkook. How are you?' And right when you are about to push the send button, you see a message bubble:

'Hi. Uhm sorry if I'm annoying but I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to message you'

A wide smile appears on your face and you reply 'I actually was about to text you now. How are you?'

The conversation keeps going for about an hour until you get the message:

'Do you want to hang out tonight ? We can go out to eat and then spend the rest of the evening watching a movie if you want to :) '

You start giggling and accept the offer.

>1 hour later<

You are standing in front of the cafe you agreed to meet at.
You feel two hands on your shoulders touching you very gently. You turn around to see Jungkook smiling wide and handing you a small bouquet of lilies. You thank him and smile softly.

He opens the door for you and you go inside together. Inside the cafe you sit facing each other. He tells you jokes and you can't help but laugh. "Have you noticed that you have a very pretty smile and laugh? And that when you smile your eyes form an eye-smile, too ?" He asks while looking deep into your eyes.
You feel your heart starting to beat faster again and your cheeks getting red. "Thank you. No, I didn't know, actually." You say shyly while smiling a little. You spend another hour inside the cafe before he pays for your meal and you two walk out.

"What do you want to do now?" He asks, "I was thinking about a movie maybe?" He adds. You look at your watch. It's already 9pm and at this time there are only 'movies for adults' at the cinema.
"Hmm. Well I guess it's too late for the cinema. It's already 9pm. Maybe we should call it a day." You say. "If you want to we can go over to mine" he says shyly while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, "my parents are at home so don't think of me in that way" he adds with a smile.

>at his place<

"Mom, dad, I'm home. I brought a friend. We'll be in my room if you need anything." He shouts as he closes the door behind you.
His parents walk out of the living room to greet you two. "Oh a girl? Hello darling. Nice to meet you." The woman says. "Nice to meet you." the man greets and you introduce yourself. Jungkook's mom gives her son a cheeky smile before dragging her husband away from you two.

Jungkook guides you up the stairs to his room. "This is my room. And there's my movie collection." He points at a shelf in the corner. It's gigantic! "Have you already seen all of those?" You ask as you walk up to the shelf to look at the movies. "Not all of them. I have a few that I haven't seen. We can watch those now if you want." He answers.
He hands you a few movies for you to decide which one to watch. You notice that all of them are about love and relationships. Well..he said that I shouldn't think of him in that way so I don't mind watching these with him, you think as smile appears on your face.

You hand him a movie and he inserts it in the player.
"I'll be right back. What do you want to drink and eat? Maybe coke and popcorn, just like at the cinema?" He asks with a smile. You nod with a huge smile and right when he walks out you start giggling like an idiot, internally of course, I can't believe I'm here with a guy I met yesterday, watching movies, and he's so caring! Will I fall for him?.

He returns with coke and popcorn and you start watching the movie. You eat popcorn and spend a great time together.

But half way through the movie you get tired, you try to stay awake but eventually doze off.

You wake up in the middle of the night and look around you. You notice that you're not home and quickly sit up. You hear someone's breathing and look down to the floor. You see Jungkook laying on the floor with a pillow and blanket.
You try to walk out the door as quietly as possible so you don't wake him up but right when you want to open the door you feel someone grabbing your hand.
"Please, don't go. Stay here." Jungkook whispers with his sleepy voice as he pulls you down to the floor and hugs you tightly. "But my parents. They are worried for sure" you whisper back. "Don't worry. My mom talked to your parents on the phone. She explained that you fell asleep." He says and pulls your hand up to his face and onto his cheek. It's very hot because he's probably blushing after saying this.
You hug him back and you two just sit there hugging for a few minutes until he pulls back.

"Although we met only 2 days ago, I feel like we have a connection. These 2 days have been great and I had a lot of fun spending time with you." He says as he gently lays his hands on your cheeks "I like you a lot!" He adds and pulls you in for a kiss.
You feel his soft lips on yours.
His hands on your face.
You can't back out, you enjoy it.

"I like you, too" you whisper as he pulls away to look deep into your eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? I promise I'll try to be the best boyfriend ever! I will buy you flowers and cook fo..."
You don't even let him finish and pull him back in to kiss him again. This time even more passionately. "You don't have to try. I know you will be the best boyfriend!" You whisper with a smile.


I J-Hope you liked it

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~ YoonMinTae
~ 윤민태

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