|| Hoseok ||

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Happy Virus

You've felt sick for the last few days and had to withstand it all by yourself because your boyfriend is having concerts on the other side of the country.

This morning you wake up to a wonderful smell of chicken soup. It's probably Seoyeon, one of the girls who work with BTS. Hoseok probably told her to come over and look after me, you think as you drag your body out of bed and your feet across the floor.
You still feel very weak.

You rub your eyes while walking into the kitchen,"You don't have to cook for me, you know, Seoyeon, I'm fine", you say. You are still rubbing your eyes and can't see who's there.

But as you open your eyes again you see your boyfriend standing there in an apron cooking soup for you. "JHope!!" Is the only word you can exclaim in this moment.
"Hey baby. I heard you were sick so I made my way over here to take care of you" he explains not taking his eyes off of the pot. "But yo..your concerts and all the meetings in Busan?" You state confused, "what about the fa..." You can't finish your sentence because he's already kissing you on the lips. "Do you really think the concerts are more important to me than my girlfriend?" He asks and hugs you passionately.
"As soon as I heard that you called my manager to talk to me, I bought a plane ticket to Seoul and came over." He says looking deep into your eyes, "I would never leave you alone when you're sick. I don't even like leaving you alone when you're fine." He adds.
A weak smile appears on your face and you bury your face in his chest. "I missed you so much!" You whisper, "maybe I got sick because you were far away from me."
Hoseok chuckles "so you get sick without my happy-virus-like personality? Well then, now you can rest and get better quickly because I'm back and I'm staying until you're feeling better!"

You walk out of the kitchen and drop onto the couch in the living room. He brings chicken soup for you and a bowl of noodles for himself on a tray and places it in front of you two on the coffee table.

You start slurping the soup to annoy him a bit but he just flicks you on the head and you stop. He laughs about the way you wanted to annoy him and kisses the spot he flicked you on.
Hoseok turns on the TV and flicks trough the channels until he sees his group members on the screen.
Your eyes get wide and you put the soup down on the table.

Namjoon is giving an interview:
Interviewer: "We didn't see JHope on stage. Is he not feeling well?"
Namjoon: *chuckles* "No, no, he's fine. But he went back to Seoul because of...personal reasons. But I assure you, it's very, very important. He wouldn't leave because of a small incident."
Interviewer: "thank you for explaining."
Namjoon: "don't worry, Hobie! We'll be alright. Take care of.., whatever you're doing, well and come back." *waves and blows kisses at the camera*

"I told them that I'm going back because of you so now they tease the fans a bit by not telling the whole story." JHope laughs.
You love his smile, "I will get better very fast so that you can go back and continue promoting" you say.
"I will go back when I'm 100% sure that you're fine." He assures you, "oh look at the time. It's getting late. Come on, let's go to bed." He exclaims as he gets up and lifts you up bridal style.
You hold onto his neck while he takes you up the stairs to your bed room.
Since you're not living together you only have a single bed.
"Hobie, you shouldn't be sleeping here. First, it's too little space and second, I don't want you to get sick also" you state. "So you want me to sleep on the couch in the living room? That far away from you? No way!" He exclaims as he picks you up again and carries you over to the bed on his shoulder.
He lays you down onto the bed and starts kissing your neck. You don't want him to get sick but you enjoy it way too much to push him off.
"I guess we have to cuddle then because there's really little space" he says with a cheeky smile.
He pulls away the blanket and lays down beside you.
He puts his arms around you and hugs you tightly. "You have to stay warm when you're sick." He says as he places your head onto his chest.

We've been together for so long but he manages to surprise me every time we're spending time together, you think.
"I hope you know that I love you very much and that I will do everything to make you as happy as possible" you hear him whisper into your ear.

You couldn't feel any happier and fall asleep in JHope's arms.

I J-Hope you liked it

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~ YoonMinTae
~ 윤민태

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