|| Yoongi ||

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Let's eat ice cream

"DAMN!" you exclaim. You are waiting at the bus stop but somebody bumped into you causing you to drop your phone.

You turn around, "can't you look where you're going?"
A guy is standing in front of you, "Shit, I'm so sorry." he says as he picks up your phone, "I didn't mean to hit you." He hands you your phone back and you look for any damages.

"Well, there seems nothing to be wrong. It's okay, don't worry." you assure him. He looks concerned, "Make sure to call me if anything is broken, though.". He takes your phone and types in his number.

"Are you waiting for the bus?" he asks. You nod. You see the bus coming and prepare your money for the fee.
You get on the bus and plug your earphones in. You didn't notice anyone else get on.

Should I text him right away? I'll just tell him that everything's fine and he doesn't have to worry, you get out your phone and look for his number. 'Yoongi' you read on the screen and a smile appears on your face.

You start typing:

-Hey Yoongi. It's the girl from the bus station earlier. I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry, everything's fine with my phone.

You're about to put your phone back into your pocket but see a message bubble pop up. It's from Yoongi.

-Are you sure? :)
-Yes, totally. It's no problem. :)
-Well, while we're at it, how are you? :D
-Haha, I'm fine. You? :)
-Me too. Oh I forgot, I didn't even ask for your name :P
-Oh sorry, I'm (Y/N). :D
-Well, (Y/N), maybe I can take you out sometime to show you how sorry I am... :S

Your eyes widen and a smile appears on your face, you didn't expect that.
You don't reply, you don't know how to, what to say.

You feel a slight tap on your shoulder and turn your head to the side.
"Aren't you going to reply?" you see Yoongi sitting behind you in the bus. You look shocked and he starts laughing really hard. Another message, you look at you phone

-What? You look surprised :'D So how about tonight? We can just walk a bit through the park and I'll buy you ice cream :) deal?

You turn back around to him, "Deal!".

You get off the bus and go home quickly to get ready. He will pick you up at 7pm, in just 2 hours.

Doesn't he know that that's not enough time for a girl to get ready?, you think.

You rush from one room into another looking for the perfect clothes.
You touch up your make up and... *Ding Dong* the door bell rings.
You look at your watch, what? its already five past seven.

You brush across your skirt to make it look neat and open the door. You see Yoongi standing there. His eyes widen, "are you really the same girl from before?" he asks jokingly. "I'm ready, we can go." you reply.

"Just a quick thing, could I use the bathroom real quick?" he asks with puppy eyes. You show him where to go and go back to the living room. "We can go now." he says as he comes back. He grabs your hand and runs out of the house.

You walk through the park and just talk. It's nice to talk, it's really relaxing.
"Oh look, there's the ice cream guy!" he point at a man selling ice cream in the park, "let's go, I'll treat you."

While you're eating ice cream, he walks you home. "Do you want to try mine?" he asks, he bought an ice cream called 'baby blue' which you've never had before. You nod and try the ice cream. He starts giggling, "what's wrong?" you ask with a smile. He grabs your wrist and stops you.
"You've got some ice cream on the corner of your mouth." he says and wipes it away with his thumb.
How embarrassing!, you think and you can already feel your cheeks getting red. He lays his arm around you, "I think it's cute."

You arrive at your apartment complex. "Go in. I'll wait until I get a text from you." he says. You hug him before going into the building. You walk into your room and go over to your desk.
What's that?, you wonder. There is something laying on your desk.
"Open me." Is written on a sticky note and attached to the packet.

It's a new phone. Yoongi must've put it here earlier, OMG this guy!, you put your SIM card in and turn it on quickly.

-are you still waiting outside? :)
-uhm yeah...
-wait right there!

You run outside and jump onto him. "You know I can't accept such a present." you say.
"Yes, you can. Look at it as a first-date-present." Yoongi replies with a wide smile. You grab his hand, "Ok, then you get a first-date-present from me as well.", Yoongi looks confused.


I J-Hope you liked it

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~ YoonMinTae
~ 윤민태

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