|| Seokjin ||

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Comic book lovers

You walk through the aisles in the library looking for a specific comic book.
You feel like you've been looking for it the whole morning that you spend at the library. You can't believe your eyes when you finally see it laying there on a shelf.
But as you are walking over to grab it, a guy suddenly takes it and walks off.
What was that ?! Didn't he see that I wanted to grab it ?!, you think confused.
You follow the guy and see that he's sitting in a bean bag reading your favorite manga.

"Uhm.. Hi, excuse me, will you take long with the manga? I actually wanted to read it earlier" you say quietly as you walk up to him.
He lifts his head and looks at you for a few seconds before getting up. "Oh, I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to take it if you wanted it." He says as he hands you the comic book.
You look surprised. "Oh no, I didn't mean for you to give it to me right now." You say. "It's totally fine with me. Can I just ask you for a favor?" He asks shyly, "can you call me when you finish it so I can pick it up and read it myself? It's my favorite manga, y'know."

You give him your phone so he can type in his number.
"I'll try to call you as soon as possible." you assure him.
He leaves and you stay behind totally surprised about such behavior. Why would a random guy give me his number because of a book?, You wonder, well whatever. At least I have my manga now. You drop down into the bean bag and start reading.

>the next day<

You decide to call the guy you met in the library so he can pick up the comic book but you can only reach his mailbox.
"Well if you don't want it then don't bother picking up" you mumble. You leave your room and leave your phone on your bed. You go make breakfast, eat and return to your room. You pick up your phone and read on the screen 'Kim Seokjin : 8 missed calls'
Daammnn, you think as you dial his number. "Hi, Is this Jin?" You ask when someone picks up, "I'm calling because of the comic book you wanted to read". "Aah yeah it's me. Should we meet somewhere so I can take it with me?" He asks.
You agree to meet at the park in half an hour.

As you walk down the street to your meeting you can already see Jin. He's wearing a pink hoodie with black skinny jeans. I wonder if he knows how good he actually looks, you think.
"Hey Jin. Over here." You shout as you walk closer to him. He jogs over to you and you want to hand him the comic book but he rejects. "I don't need it anymore", he says, "I have the same at home already."
You look confused "why did you call me then? Even 8 times." You ask. "I just wanted to see you. I've never met a girl who is interested in comic books, actually. So this was a first for me." He replies with a wide smile. Then you get an idea. Well, I mean if he says he's never met a girl like me before, maybe I'll never meet a guy like him, too, you think. "Did you know there's an anime based on this manga?" You ask, "how about we watch it together since we both love the comic?"
A huge smile appears on Jin's face and before you can even do anything, he comes up to you and hugs you lifting you up from the ground.
"I'm sorry about that but just as I said, I have never met a girl like this!" He explains as he puts you back on the ground.
You laugh it off.
Actually you enjoyed it. You've never been lifted up like this before.
"So we have a date?" He asks with a wide smile. You chuckle and nod. "Ok then I'll come to pick you up at 9pm. We can watch the anime at my place." He says. He hugs you one more time before you leave.

When you get home you drop onto the couch. You can't believe you just agreed to a date with a guy you met yesterday. You place your hands on your face and squeak into your palms with your legs shaking and your feet stamping on the floor.

He will be here any minute, you think, I gotta be ready!.
Right when you think about it, someone knocks on the door. You go up to the door, breathe in, breathe out, here we go, you open the door and see Jin.
He hands you a bouquet of flowers with the sweetest smile you've ever seen. "Omo, thank you!" You exclaim, "they are beautiful! Come in.".
You grab your bag, check your makeup and walk out the door.

He guides you to his apartment. The whole time you're walking, he's very shy and doesn't talk much.
That's so cute!, you think.
He opens the door for you and you walk in. Your eyes get wide when you look around his apartment. It's huugee!
"Are you living alone?" You ask.
"Nope, my roommate is just out of town this weekend." He replies as he takes off his shoes. Jin shows you the living room. When you walk in, your jaw drops. You see a huge TV and all different types of game consoles. "Daamnn!! You sure have a lot of time to play all these games!" You state surprised while looking at his game collection. He chuckles "I'm a professional gamer. I participate in contests and get money for it." You turn around and look at him with big eyes, "so you just sit indoors all the time? How come you still have that big of a biceps?" You ask with a cheeky smile.
"If you want to, I can also show you my abs." He whispers jokingly. You laugh together at his dorkiness.

Jin inserts the movie into the player and you start watching.
You didn't know the anime is that brutal and you catch yourself startling from time to time. Every time you flinch, you notice that he tries to grab your hand to comfort you.
He pauses the movie, "If you're scared, we can watch another movie." He says with a smile. "No, no, I'm fine. Instead, you can just hold my hand, if you don't mind." You reply with a soft smile.
Instead of taking your hand, he slides closer to you and wraps his arms around you. "Is it better that way?" He whispers. You nod and lay your head onto his shoulder.
You sit there in this position until the movie ends.

You look at your watch, "what? It's past midnight."You exclaim, "I should get going.".
"Don't you want to stay here?" Jin whispers. "I would love to. But I have to study tomorrow for some exams." You reply sadly. He jumps up and puts his shoes back on, "then I'll walk you home."
You look out the window before leaving, "it's raining." You state. He grabs an umbrella before going out the door.
He puts his arm around you to pull you in so you don't get wet. You're walking and this time he's not that shy. He talks a lot and asks a lot of questions about you.

You arrive at your apartment but you don't go in right away. You're caught up in a conversation with him, you don't even pay attention to what he's saying because you can only focus on his smile.

He gets quiet, "are you staring at my lips?" He asks surprised. You snap back immediately, "what?", and before you can even say anything else, you see him getting closer wanting to kiss you. "I thought you'd never try to kiss me" you whisper as his nose touches yours.
He drops the umbrella and lays his hands onto your waist pulling you closer. You wrap your arms around his neck.

"Good night, sleep well, my princess." He whispers as he pulls away. He picks up the umbrella and gives you a peck on your wet forehead before running off.
You still see him in the distance jumping and spinning for joy.
You blow him a kiss, smile and go inside your apartment.


I J-Hope you liked it

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~ YoonMinTae
~ 윤민태

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