|| Namjoon ||

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The exchange program

You take part in an exchange program between your country and South Korea. You've wanted to learn Korean for a very long time but never gotten to it.
So you decided to go to South Korea for 2 weeks with a group of students.

You arrive at the youth hostel you will be staying at and go straight to bed because tomorrow you plan to walk through the city of beautiful Seoul for a bit.

>the next day<

It's Sunday. You go to a nearby grocery store to buy a bottle of water and a snack before walking down the street to a park.
You lay down and just listen to the sounds of the city and people speaking.

You doze off a little but snap back immediately when you feel a slight tap on you shoulder.
You turn around and see a guy standing in front of you.
He kneels down and extends his hand to you. He says something in Korean. Your eyes get wide and you make a confused face to show him you don't understand him. "I'm sorry. Do you speak English?" He asks, this time in English. You answer that you do and he repeats what he's said before, "you forgot your change at the store earlier. I've been following you but you didn't hear me calling". You take the money and thank him.
"Well ok then. See you around. Bye" he adds as he stands up to leave. You say goodbye and plug your headphones in.

>the next day at school<

"This is a special class for you, the exchange students. I will be explaining everything in English but you will also go to a regular class for a few lessons" the teacher explains.
He starts class and you try to pay as much attention as possible.

The bell rings and it's already lunch break. Time passed by very quickly, you think as you walk out of the classroom.
The teacher said that for the next two classes you will be sitting in a regular class where they speak Korean.

After the lunch break you go into the classroom with some of the exchange students. You introduce yourselves in Korean as fluently as possible and sit down at the back of the room.
Your eyes wander around the classroom until you see someone you seem to have seen before.
Isn't that the guy who brought me my money yesterday?, You wonder without taking your eyes off of him.
The bell rings and you make your way to his seat.
"Uhm... annyeong." You say shyly. "Oh hey. You're the girl from the park, right? What are you doing here?" He replies smiling at you "oh and by the way, I'm Namjoon".
You explain that you are an exchange student at the school.

"Has your Korean gotten better since you're here?" He asks.
"well not really. I could use some help actually" you reply
"I can help you! I'm pretty fluent in English so I can explain everything to you after school." He says with a smile.

Your eyes get wide because you can't believe that someone will actually teach you Korean.
You thank him a thousand times before hugging him.
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just so happy that you will help me." Your cheeks get red and you feel your heart beating faster.
He chuckles and replies "haha no problem. Do you want to hang out today after school? We can walk through Seoul a bit and I can tell you some things about the city and everything"
You accept the offer with another hug.

>after school<

You wave at Namjoon when you see him walking out of the school building. He comes up to you and says with a cheeky smile "do you want to hug me once again?". You don't know how to respond and before you even can say anything he pulls you up to him and hugs you. His hug is gentle and soft. You didn't expect that. He seemed like a tough guy on the outside.
"Where are we going first?" You ask as he pulls away.
"I thought about going to a cafe first to get something to eat. There I can teach you some phrases for restaurants." He takes your hand and pulls you after him.

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