Chapter 11

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Boxes were scattered all about the floor, but the only ones that mattered to Hoseok and Taehyung at the moment were the ones covered up in green, red, and blue wrapping paper. The brown boxes were things they could take care of later-- clothes to put in closets and little trinkets to find places on their shelves to place. The boxes wrapped in green, red, and blue were things they were trying to open over breakfast-- as they were both starving from not having had dinner (or lunch, really) the day before.

"Moving is miserable. We're never doing it again." Taehyung said as he was eating a bit more, ignoring his presents for just a few moments to put at least something in his angry, growling stomach. "We're going to raise our kids here and they're going to love it. And we're going to get a puppy and-- maybe a kitten? I don't know. But we're not moving because I'm tired and my stomach hurts and all I want to do is sleep. All the brown in this room is giving me a headache-- I hate boxes."

"It's alright, sweetie, we can sleep soon." Hoseok chuckled. He leaned over the boxes-- careful not to let his hand rest too heavy on any of the presents-- and planted a kiss on Taehyung's forehead. Taehyung hummed softly, eyes closing in a similar way to those of a content kitten. He put down his chop sticks and clapped is hands together very suddenly, eyes shooting open once again, "Okay! I'm ready to open presents. Open yours first!"

"You go from being sad to being excited so quickly." Hoseok said fondly. He pulled Taehyung in again, but he left a kiss on his lips instead of his forehead this time, "It makes me happy to see you so happy all the time."

"Happy Virus." Taehyung said, tapping on his own chest. He moved his tapping fingers to the box directly in front of Hoseok, "Open, open!"

"Okay, okay." Hoseok said, and he began to rip off the wrapping paper. Each present was a little shocking; he remembered Jimin buying each one of these things. Weren't they for Jungkook? Had they gotten them mixed up? Upon expressing his concern, Hoseok discovered that his little shit of a boyfriend had asked Jimin to grab Hoseok's presents for him; and Hoseok honestly wondered why he thought Jimin would buy Jungkook that much for one holiday.

"Jimin's really good at distracting-- I would have never thought he was buying anything for me." Hoseok said. He looked at the game in his hand, one he'd been interested in, one he remembered Jimin buying-- but he could have sworn it was for Jungkook. Jimin really was clever, pretending to buy Jungkook all those things. Hoseok was seriously surprised he hadn't caught on to the fact that Jimin might have been buying Jungkook too much.

"Jin-hyung made him really well." Taehyung said, interrupting himself as he was eating. He made a noise, cutting off what Hoseok had on his mind, set to say, "Speaking of Jin. You talked to him yesterday, didn't you? Yeah... did you notice how off he sounded? Like.... He seemed really, really depressed about something. Did he mention anything about that to you?"

"I noticed, but, no, he didn't say anything." Hoseok said. He shifted his gaze away from his boyfriend for a moment to set aside his present boxes, to toss the wrapping paper Taehyung used t hide them in the garbage. Taehyung was looking down at his food when Hoseok looked up, ready to meet his eyes again. Hoseok reached over, nudged him softly-- "Hey. Don't get too down. I'm sure we'll be able to find out what's up with him when he comes back from visiting his family. And he can take care of himself until then. I'm sure it's nothing major."

"I'm just a little worried for him. He's been acting pretty crazy lately. Did he tell you he wanted to make a new robot? Min something-or-other. Yoongi, I think it was." Taehyung said. Hoseok frowned, shook his head. Taehyung tapped his chop sticks against his breakfast, "I don't know why he's thinking about it, but I'm really scared he'll get frustrated again. You remember how tired he was when he made Jimin, right?"

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