Chapter III

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We went to the castle and the Elf Queen was seated at her throne. She had long black hair under the golden crest she wore on her head. The robes she wore were of royalty. We knelt before her and she came to me, with her long cloak trailing behind her.

“What is your name, Dragon Rider?” she asked.

“Matthias Warlock Killer, your Majesty.” I said.

“Warlock Slayer, you must be wondering why you are here, but first rest and eat. In the morning we will talk of your business here.”

“Good, I'm hungry.” I heard Lamar whisper behind me.

“Rise, Warlock Killer.” the Queen finally said. We rose and followed her to a grand dining area. It was circular and tables were around the circular dirt ground. The Queen sat in a golden chair that looked like it was made of leaves and roots, at the head table. My gang sat at the seats that were to the right of the Queen and the girls were seated to the left. Our dragons flew over the castle and landed behind us. Then two elf children, a boy and a girl, came out and sat on either side of the Queen. The boy had black hair to his shoulders, and had a serious hard look on his face. The girl had long blonde hair at the small of her back and though her face was strong, it looked fragile, as if she was hurt, but trying to hide it. A band came in and the Queen asked. “Warlock Killer, do have anything you want to listen to?”

“Anything that won't put me to sleep.” the boy said.

“Thomas, mind your manners they are guests in our kingdom.” the Queen told him, sternly. I assumed these two, were her children.

 I had become interested in rock music in the last year and I chose one of my favorites. The band started the song and Thomas asked me. “A Rider listens to this?”

“Brother, leave him. It was his choice.” the girl said.

“You asked for something that wouldn't put you to sleep.” I said. Tom then left and his sister sat next to me and studied me with her deep green eyes. She reached up and touched my hair.

“Hair the color of fire and eyes like ice. How is it that one so young could defeat a Warlock?” she asked me.

“I just got lucky.” I protested. “And there was an Undead. Vanilor took care of him and I killed the much more powerful Warlock. That was luck.”

“I don't think it was. To kill a Warlock, one needs nerves of steel and a pure heart. Both of which you had.”

“I just did it to protect a friend.” I said glancing at Ashley. She was talking with the Queen of how she became Oceana and her rescues. She ended the story of how I rescued her and how Vanilor made her immortal through me.

“You have been through much despair and sadness, Princess.” the Queen said.

“Well I had my Dragon Rider friend to support me.” Ashley said. She nodded in my direction and the Queen asked. “Are you two involved? Not to invade your personal life, I am curious.”

“Somewhat. I want him to be my king, but his Rider duties and the Code of the Riders get in the way.”

“Being a Rider is not a duty, it's a privilege. The dragon chose him as his Rider and a Rider must not rest while there is trouble. It is his duty to lead them to rebuild the Riders.”

“I know, but I want him so badly.”

“Many people do. He is a Dragon Rider. Back in their golden age, many young women fell for them. You should not feel ashamed.”

“I don't feel ashamed, but I love him so much.” I noticed that Adam was looking dreamily at elf-maidens so I passed a message. Fred slugged him in the ribs and he let out a groan of pain and asked him why he did that.

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