Meeting the guardians

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Melody's point of view

I've been travelling all around the world breaking rules and trying to make children believe in me but it was no use. They all started to talk about the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and other spirits just passing through me. It was night and i sat down over a rooftop watching my dad wondering why could no one see me. ¨Dad why am i invisible? i tried everything but no one can see me. I just sometimes feel... Lonely...¨ I didn't receive any answer, so i got down and started to walk through the lonely streets. When i was passing by an ally i heard a noise behind me, i turned around but i saw nothing. I was about to fly away when i suddenly heard a voice ¨G'day Sheila¨ Standing behind be was a huge bunny ¨Shut up Kangaroo¨ Said a white haired boy that looked around my age he was holding a staff in his hand. ¨Who are you?¨¨Hey i'm Jack Frost and this is Kangaroo...¨¨Bunnymund¨ Bunnymund as he said growled ¨What ever... You have to come with us¨¨WHAT?! I'm not going with you! I just met you, do you think i'm crazy?! You know what... i'm leaving¨ When i turned around to get away from there, i was shoved into a sack. ¨HEY! GET ME OUTTA HERE!¨ Then i heard something crashing against the floor and i was throwed and i fell hard on the floor ¨OUCH!¨ I saw the bag opened and i quickly got out of it. When i saw the place the only thing i could say was ¨WOW...¨ I took a view of the place and behind me were standing a big fat man with long beard who i assume it's North, i know about him since my dad told me, then next to him was Sandy, Tooth, Bunnymund and Jack Frost. Then North yelled ¨Melody Moon! I hope Jack and Bunny treated you well¨¨Oh yeah cause i love being shoved in a sack and tossed into a magic portal¨ Then i heard Jack say something to Bunnymund and he glared to Jack ¨I told you not to use it guys¨said North with his thick russian accent ¨We tried to get her here by the good way but she didn't want to come so...¨¨Oh in that case...¨¨Melody!¨ said Tooth ¨I missed you so much!¨ And i said ¨I thought you didn't since you stopped talking and visiting me¨¨I'm so sorry Melody, i didn't mean to. We've all had some big troubles. Could you forgive me¨¨Of course Tooth you're my best friend¨ And we hugged. Suddenly i heard a cough ¨Oh sorry i had to apologise¨¨No worries¨ Said North to Tooth. ¨Now could you tell me why am i here? Cause it must be something really bad to get you all together. Am i on the naughty list?¨ I asked with a smirk on my face while i stole a cookie from an elf. ¨Naughty list? You are number 1 on the naughty list¨ Said North ¨Hey! You told me i was the record¨ Said Jack pouting ¨No, i said you had a record, not that you were the record¨ Answered North ¨Anyway we are whipping clean this list¨¨Aww but i loved that record. Why?¨ I pouted/asked ¨Why? I'll tell you why! because now you are Guardian!¨ And suddenly the elves started to play instruments while the yetis were spinning torches they pushed me to get over a circle with a ¨G¨ on the middle. As i was barefoot the elves came with some shoes trying to get me to wear them so i kicked them away. I was getting tiered so i lifted my foot from the ground and smashed it against the floor making a loud thud sending a big wave of wind all around me turning off all the torches. ¨Who told you i want to be a guardian?!¨

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