So similar...

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Jack's point of view

When we got Melody inside the sack i threw a snow globe North gave me so i would get to the workshop faster. And we went through it and i accidentally let go of the sack and Avril falls over the floor with a loud thud. ¨Oops!¨ i said closing an eye ¨OUCH!¨ Said Avril from inside the bag. I was gonna help her get up, but as soon as she saw the bag open she quickly got out and stood and took her surroundings just saying ¨Wow¨ Then North yelled ¨Avril Moon! I hope Jack and Bunnymund treated you well¨ And then she said ¨Oh yeah cause i love being shoved inside a sack and tossed into a magic portal¨ Then i whispered to Bunnymund ¨That's exactly what i said. I think she is my other half...¨ Then he glared at me. North looked at us and said ¨I told you not to use it guys¨ I then said ¨We tried to get her here by the good way but she didn't want to come so...¨¨Oh in that case...¨¨Melody! I missed you so much!¨ Said Tooth. And Melody answered ¨I thought you didn't since you stopped talking and visiting me¨ She looked sad and i just wanted to go and hug her till she was happy once again. But i just met her and shoved her into a sack so that wouldn't happen soon. She looked so familiar to me. I was so deep in thoughts that i didn't hear what Tooth said to her, i just saw them hug. Then North cleared his throath to get their attention. Tooth quickly broke the embrace and said ¨Oh sorry, i had to apologise¨¨No worries¨ Said North. ¨Now could you tell me why am i here? Cause it must be something really bad to get you all together. Am i on the naughty list?¨ Melody asked with a smirk on her face taking a cookie from a plate an elf was carring. I couldn't help but smile remembering that when i was choosen i said the same thing. North responded ¨Naughty list? You are number 1 on the naughty list¨¨Hey! You told me i was the record¨ I pouted.¨No, i said you had a record, not that you were the record¨ He then said ¨Anyway we are whipping clean this list¨¨Aww but I worked so hard for it! Why?¨ Melody pouted/asked. I just laughed. ¨Why? I'll tell you why! because now you are Guardian!¨ North shouted, and suddenly the elves started to play instruments while the yetis were spinning torches. They pushed Melody over the circle where the crystal rose. As she is barefoot like i am the elves came with some shoes and tried to get her to wear them, but she kicked them away. When she did that i was trying to hold my laughter, and Bunnymund glared at me. I saw Melody was starting to get annoyed, and she lifted her foot from the ground and smashed it against the floor making a loud thud and sending a big wave of wind whitch turned of the torches. And then she shouted ¨Who told you i want to be a guardian?!¨

Daughter of the Moon (sequel of "Just freedom")Where stories live. Discover now