12) typical storybrooke problems!

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Clary and I are reading fairytales at the moment. How lovely! I'm being sarcastic if you hadn't noticed. This town is just unbelievable, how can it just appear with a bunch of fairytale characters! They're not even supposed to be real! But I should probably stick to my motto... All stories are true. And i'm from some story myself, so why wouldn't this be real, right?

We got trough about half of the book when the door bursts open.
I get on high alert immediatly and I jump up, grabbing my blade in the process.

"It's just us!" The person calls out.
I realize it's David and I lower my sword. The whole storybrooke-clan is behind him. Except for the little kid, Henry.

"What's going on?! you people do know how to knock right? I almost killed you." I say irritated.

"We're really sorry pretty boy but there's no time for knocking, my son has been kidnapped and we want you to two to help us find him!" Regina say's.

"Our son." Emma adds.

"Oh right." Regina scoffs.

"Hey! Stop right there. If Henry's been kidnapped and you want to find him, you two should really get a grip of yourselves and learn to work together." Clary say's.

"The lady's right! We should get started." Hook says as he stands from his position against the wall.

"Oh shut-up Hook" Regina grumbles.

"Okay, let's go then." Emma say's.

Ahwile of searching Henry's location later...

"Neverland? So that's Peter Pan right?" Clary asks.

"Yup, the one and only." Hook grumbles.

"Okay... How do we get there?" I ask.

"With a magic bean of course!" Hook says as he takes an object from a leather pouch.
It has the shape of a bean but it has some kind of transparant color.

"Yes. A magic bean allows you to open a portal and cross realms." Regina explains.
"How far did you get on that book?" She adds.

"About halfway trough." I say.

"Wel that's good, you'll need it." Emma say's.
"It's not smart jumping into someting without knowing anything about it." She says.

"Yeah well... we came to Storybrooke without knowing anything about it really..." clary replies.

"And look where that got us..." I mumble silently.
Regina shoots me a glare at that.
'Oops, guess she heard me...'

We arrive to the docks where we all get the 'liberty' to get on Hooks ship.
He's a really whiny wuss about this ship, just running around telling everybody to "keep our hands off the essentials..."
But after a lot of arguing (which is apparently a normal way of communication for them) we finally depart to go and 'save Henry'. Altough I often have my doubts about him wanting to be saved with a familly like this!

I hold onto Clary tightly as we go through the portal and once we reach the surface again I see everyone on the floor groaning.

Seriously... these people are pathetic! How do they expect to save Henry!

"Is that it? Neverland?" I hear Emma ask!

Hook answers her numbly, "aye luv... thats Neverland."

I turn around and I see it becoming clearer through the mist.

So this is Neverland huh... doesn't look like much.

Heeeeeeey! I know it's been really long since I posted another chapter, but I kinda gave up on this story, but... I decided to keep going! So here's another chapter!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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