4) the diary!

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4) Chappie four


OMG clary looks furious at me, and her cat just made a big scratch on my left cheek! It hisses at me and runs off somewhere.

"I was just wondering if there's something about me in the diary?"

I give her a sexy smirk, she burst out in laughter, "what?!" I ask?

"It's just that smirk with that scratch, it's great, it's hilarious really! But seriously, GIVE. ME. MY. DIARY!"

I stand up and hold it high above my head, she jumps trying to catch it. Then I snake my other arm around her middle, I drop the diary behind me and start tickling her on her sides. "Stop it Jace, I can't breathe!" she giggles, "C'mon Clare-bear, I know you like it!" she giggles again, "Clare-bear? giggle What's that giggle suppose giggle to mean?!" more giggle escape her mouth as I lift her over my shoulder, "Well, I thought it was a cute name babe."

"It's not! But put me down now!!!"

"Nope" I said popping the P, I felt something grab my leg, with claws?

"yeah, GO SPEARKLES!!!" so it was sparkles, her ninja-cat. I hopped on one foot in an attempt to escape the viscious beast, but then I fell down with clary on top of me.

"why can't I read it, the diary I mean" I pouted, "becaaaause these are MY secrets!"

"when you're a couple you're not allowed to have any secrets for each other." I argued.
"Since when are we a couple?"
She asks.
"You never asked me." She says.

"Clare-bear... will you ... marry me?!" I say dramatically.
"No way! I just met you!"
"Just kidding! Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sure Goldie locks."

"Goldie locks? Seriously?!"

"yeah if were gonna call each other names, than Goldie lockt fits you perfectly! You know, with the golden hair, stealing other people's stuff..."

"I think you should call me something like hotness or handsome or maybe even awesome man like some superhero! Now let me see you're diary!"

"FINE, I'll let you see it!"

she gets up and gives me her diary.

"Wait, this isn't a diary, this is you're sketch pad!" I pouted, "No, I draw my thoughts and secrets, my sketch pad is also my diary, get it?"

"soooo, how comes there are no pictures of me in this diary?"

"you're just hard to draw!"

"Oh, so I'm a mission impossible, that name fits me to!" she groans.


"oh, so I'm a mission impossible, that name fits me to!" I groaned, "Yeah, you are soooo impossible in every way!" he chuckles

"I don't see the problem in that."
"Of course you don't."

He pulls me up from the ground and puts me on my bed, he lies down beside me, and said "I think we should go to sleep."

"yeah, I'm pretty tired!"

I cuddled up to him and muttered, "Goodnight Goldie."

"Goodnight Clare-bear."

Then I drifted off to sleep.


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