Roller skating

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NOPE! Come on Carl it would be fun you say to your not convinced boyfriend. I can NOT roller skate at all Y/N! Then i will teach you. Fine.......YAY!!!!!! Screaming from excitement you haven't been skating since you were just a little girl. Your dad would take you every Sunday to go skating then get ice cream Sundae. You smiled at the thought. -Finally after a couple of minutes you arrive at the place- As soon as you hit that floor you were skating like a pro. Carl on the other hand kept falling on his face. IM NOT GOOD AT THIS Y/N!! Oh come on your doing fine! You grab his hands and bring him towards you to make sure he doesnt fall. Ya see there you go. Ive got it! Ha beat that roller skates your my b*tch now! Rolling your eyes you spend the rest of the day having fun.

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