When you think your prego 0.0

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Fuck fuck fuck shit!! Lately you've been very ill. Throwing up, Stomach pains etc. You look on your calender and you notice your period hasnt came yet. Carl was coming soon from his "Business" with some people. You honestly think you might be pregnant. As soon as your about to leave the House to get a pregancy test guess who walks in yup the one and only Mr.Gallagher. "Hey babe where you going?" Um...i was i...uhh.. Are you okay? Look Carl im gonna be honest with you. Yeah? I think i might be pregnant. Wait hold on WHAT? I think i might have a being in my stomach. As soon as you say that you and Carl end up in your car driving to Walgreens. Come home you pee on the purple stick and wait.5 mins later- Its time Carl.... Both of you look at each other and then the stick. Its........

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