1: Let's Be Realistic

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"Listen Avengers, a thought has come to mind", said Tony Stark as he was the first to speak in this particular meeting.

He noticed as the heroes surrounding his conference table had confused expressions sketched on their faces.

"And that is?", questioned Clint Barton.

"Okay how do I put this? Um...", Tony began to speak.

"Woah, is Tony Stark at a loss of words?", teased Natasha Romanov.

Tony rolled his eyes. "We're getting too old", he bluntly stated.

"Is the man of iron admitting that he has aged?", snickered Thor.

When the rest of the Avengers didn't respond, only looking at him with bewildered eyes, he continued to talk. "Look, I've noticed that we're not as quick as we used to be. We're not as agile and physically fit anymore. I mean, Barton is missing shots for God's sake!", Tony explained as he slammed his hands down on the table.

Bruce lowered his eyes, as did Steve next to him. Natasha looked away, the only one to respond was Clint.

"Hey! One time!".

Natasha quickly looked over at Steve, trying to connect his eyes with her own. "What do you suppose we could do?", she asked, leaning her body forward. Tony quickly looked away.

He tried to motion for Bruce to join in on the conversation but he too was in denial. He didn't understand why, after all it was Bruce who introduced the idea to him.

"Well we need to create the next generation of superheroes obviously", the genius rolled his eyes. Natasha copying his eyes.

"Yes Stark, we figured. But who?".

And that's when Bruce finally spoke up. "Our children", he simply stated.

The room fell silent at his words.

"I will not expose my child to such dangerous actions Banner!", exclaimed Thor as he lurched forward in his seat. His eyes gleamed with anger and...worry?

"Yeah! Neither will I, Stark!", followed Barton.

The Avengers soon started to argue, some opposing while others were for it. Tony Stark was silent, unusual for him to do so. He was giving this idea deep thought. Yes, he knew that this will put his own kids in danger, but who else could they trust?

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents didn't exactly posses the powers and abilities that their kids did. The room began to grow louder and louder, it wouldn't be long before Bruce hulked out and Thor called for Mjölnir.

"Okay! BE quiet!", he held out his arms in front of him, finally getting everyone's attention.

Steve settled down, Bruce took a seat, Thor let his arm drop, and Natasha walked back to her seat.

"I know what you're thinking. And yes, it is very dangerous, but with the proper training, the kids will able to withstand it. These kids are powerful, and posses leadership. Rogers!", he pointed to the captain. "Wouldn't you want to one day lean back and see James save the world?", he asked.

Steve looked at Natasha, smiling as he did. "Yes", he muttered.

"And Clint! You don't want your son's gift to go to waste right?".

Clint lowered his shoulders. "I guess not".

"We're talking about the safety of our world and it depends in these kids. They can do it", Stark lowered his arms, meeting eyes with each of the Avengers.

Suddenly, something changed in them.

"You are once more correct Stark", Thor smiled.

"Yeah! Stark is right", Natasha said backing up his idea.

"Great. Training starts in a week", he said before dismissing the meeting.

Hiya! Okay so obviously, I do not own Marvel or its characters. But I have decided to incorporate some if the Avengers' actual kids, like James and Francis. And some I just made up, like Banner's kid! :D Hopefully, you'll enjoy.

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