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"She wants nothing to do with me."

El made a face as she grabbed at a fake green rock and hefted herself up a bit, muscles flexing as she did. The thing with having a celebrity for a best friend and being a medical student herself was that they didn't have all that much time for nature treks and climbs. So the two of them usually just went wall climbing for their fake nature trips.

But her attention was divided between the wall and its progressively getting smaller fake rocks so she had to increase her grip while they climbed, and Sasha's problems with a girl who had wanted to be with her but didn't want to be with her anymore at the moment.

"She's confused, S. She's allowed to be. Tension!" She was barely able to hold rolling her eyes, because she was sure the guy belaying her and the guy belaying Sasha were too starstruck to pay attention. Another problem with having a celebrity for a best friend. But it was a minor non-perk to having Sasha as a best friend. She was here for Sasha now, like Sasha had been there for her in the past when she was dealing with depression and anxiety. She owed a lot to the blonde who people on saw as an actress. That's why despite knowing that there was a lot in the problem that Sasha herself has caused, although not all of it, El was forever going to be on Sasha's side. And if Shay decided Sasha wasn't worth it anymore, El was going to be there to help Sasha back on to her feet, recovering from her first experience with falling in love with a girl.

Sasha waited for the tension, because her rope was also slacking, before she freed one of her hands, the one closer to El and turned to the girl. "I'm too late. I just- I don't even know how to get around the doubt. And it hurts, and I know I- I know I deserve it."

El moved another foot up, now above Sasha. "You're not giving up, are you?"

"But I don't know what to do-"

"Then you're giving up?"


"I mean- I guess you could. It doesn't seem like she's willing to let you in right now. And she's busy enough, she could forget you in all the, well, ruckus, really, of her celebrity life. She's probably sussed out that you won't be fighting for her-"

"ALL RIGHT, JEEZ! No need to rub it all in, Elizabeth!"

El made a face at her name, so long and so incredibly British, but there was a smirk on her lips when she looked to her side and saw that her best friend had already climbed up to catch up with her in her short tirade. "I thought you were-"

"All I'm saying is that I don't want to come off too strong when she obviously doesn't know what to do with a girl who was afraid and in love with her and now not so afraid but even more in love with her and-" When Sasha shifted her gaze to her side expecting El to be keeping pace, she realized that El wasn't keeping pace and was now only smiling proudly at her. "What're you doing all the way down there? Move your ass, E."

"You've finally accepted you're whipped, yeah?"

Sasha blushed looking away and continued to climb furiously to get away from her friend who had started to snicker at her. "Running away from your problems-" El stopped talking because now Sasha was climbing down to her level to be able to glare at her properly.

"Sometimes I hate that you've studied psychology and psychiatry and you're using it to analyze me," Sasha said through gritted teeth. El was the friend who never scolded you, not like Leo, Sasha noted. But El was the kind who found other ways for you to do things she wanted, and she made you think about things you never want to consider in the first place, and she made you realize things you really would rather deny.

"So what are you going to do?"

Sasha sighed, while she ignored the person who was trying to adjust to the fact that Sasha had been screaming slack so she could climb back down to where El was and now yelling at Sasha for climbing down. "I don't know."

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