Author's Note

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Hi everyone I just wanted to thank you all for reading my fan fiction so far and for being so enthusiastic about it. When I first started it I didn't think so many people would be into it but now I'm getting comments and messages everyday about when I'm going to do my next update. Which brings me to my point: I don't actually know when.

I work almost all week and when I'm not working I'm busy trying to get one of my own completed works published or even just updated one of my stories on here. You would think this fan fiction would be easier to do since it's essentially already written but that just makes it harder which is why I take so long between updates. I am sorry for that and I'll try to update when I can but my original works have more of a priority to me. Sorry if that bothers anyone but it's true.

Don't get me wrong I am going to update again I just don't know when. I  am also very thankful to all of you who comment about how great my writing is because that means the world to me. So thank you a million times over.

In the meantime while you wait for an update on this I ask that you give a few of my original pieces a try? Mainly three stories in particular: The Key, Malice Rising and My Soul's Keeper. If you guys could give those a read, vote and comment your thoughts/ and or feedback on it I would really appreciate it and work my hardest to get another update on this one. Promise and thank you if any of you give those a read.

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