The Loneliest People

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I am lonely, but I am strong.
I have never been in love
I have been abandoned by friends
I have been bullied
Rumors have ruined me

But I have returned
I always stand back up when I am knocked down
I have been pushed to the ground, but I can still touch the sky.

I do not want anyone to be in pain
I do not want anyone to experience sadness
But they will

Some will fall
Some will rise
Some will stay in the dark
Others will turn on the light

If you have ever been alone
You know how it feels
If you've ever felt like giving in
I'm here to tell you not to
I'm here to remind you that somewhere out there someone is thinking about you

Whether it's a bully wondering if they pushed you too hard and fearing for you
Or a lover missing you
Or a friend laughing about an old memory
Or a parent worrying about you
Someone is out there
Someone cares

I care


This was written originally for myself, but I decided to post it. I don't know if anyone will read this. I would like to think this will help someone, but chances are it won't. If you are reading this, maybe with a tear in your eye or a smile on your face, a sad smile, but a smile all the same, I'm here to say you are never alone. Stay strong! If someone is bullying you, or you are worried about going back to school, things will get better. It's a crazy thought, but they will. It might  take a week, a year, maybe even more, but it will get better. You can pull through this, I believe in you.

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