Forever Falling

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We always feel like we are falling. It doesn't matter what kind of falling. Some people are lucky and only fall a tiny bit. But that tiny bit doesn't seem so tiny when you fall down it. Everyone has tripped on a stair before, so we're all familiar with that little start. That little bit of fear that fills us for a second as we feel as if we're falling or twisting our ankles. You take a quick breath and sometimes give a little shriek as it happens, and then shake your head, maybe laugh a little at your clumsiness, and then it's over.

Life should be that simple, but it isn't. You slip up on something and it can haunt you forever. Even simple things like a bad grade can knock down your GPA, and through that, how "smart" you look. Every little mistake is like a pebble dropped in a pond. Ripples spread out, but the pebble sinks and the ripples are gone. That doesn't change that the ripples spread. However quickly they were there, while they were there, the balance of the calm surface of the pond was interrupted and anything resting on that was moved. Everything is temporary, but everything will still last for a certain amount of time, and while that time is going on, everything is chaos. That is how life is. It is not simple, it is not easy. It is hard to bare and easy to break. 

And then there are some who make even bigger mistakes. Maybe you were tempted into trying alcohol or a drug and got caught. Maybe you were an athlete with full-ride college scholarships and tried steroids one time. All those scholarships are now gone, like a piece of dust in the wind. They'll go to someone else and you'll have to make it past that. "Just a little bump in the road" you'll be told, but it is not a "little bump". It's a bump that popped your tire and sent your car spinning off the road. Totaling it. Now all your hard earned money has to be spent on a new car, and you'll get it because you need it. Then you'll hop back behind that wheel and keep driving along the crazy road called life.

Falling can also be beautiful. Through it you can discover new strengths you didn't know, and through it you can learn more about yourself or others. The luckiest of all experience the most beautiful type of falling. Falling in love. Everyone does eventually, but before that happens, many people will feel alone. Some won't mind or care, but most will get a small twinge of envy as they see couples or close friends, and feel empty. I'm here to remind you that none of you are alone, it may seem that way, but millions of people are like me. We all care about you and don't care that we've never met you. We don't want anything to happen to you even if we don't know anything about you, or even if you've done terrible things. We know you're out there, and scared. But you aren't alone, worthless, lost, or empty. I can promise you that.

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