What if...

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What if one day you looked into the mirror and saw 7 year old you staring back at you? What would they say?

-You look so different
- *giggles* You aren't me
- You look so pretty
-What are those things?
- Where'd the glasses go
- You're so tall
- So that's what I'd look like
- Are you still friends with _____?
- I like your hair
- You have pretty eyes
- You're so strong
- Am I really gonna look like that? *wishful gaze*
- I like you

7 year old you would never speak bad of you. To them you will never be ugly, fat, or worthless. You'll be a big kid. A source of awe. They'd be happy with you and excited to be you. So why do you look in a mirror and feel ugly? You're the same person 7 year old you is proud of. Why do you feel such sorrow and shame? There is nothing wrong with you. Before you start thinking "no one likes me", think "Do I like me?" If the answer is no, that's because you have listened to other people, compared yourself to them. Don't look at them, look at 7 year old you staring back at you. See how far you've come? Look how much more shapely you look. See those eyes, see the excitement in them? Bring that excitement back. Be happy to be you, no one else can be you. You're one of a kind and no one can take that away from you!

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