Summer part 1

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When we got back to the Burrow I put all of my stuff in our room. The triplets always shared a room and always will. I take out my clothes and hang it in the closet. Unlike my brothers I was neat. The I took out my stuff for making pranks. Test tubes, flavorings, and all of that stuff. Fred and George came up and put there clothes under the beds like the slobs they are. "Ok, Emi we are going to make candies, that turn you into any animal. George and I already made a tester." Fred said while holding his hand out for me to take it. I take it and almost instantly turn into a hippo! "I think it works." George said in a smile. About 1 minute later I turn back into the normal Emi. Except I don't have some things like a nose, an ear, and my pinkie finger. "Uh... I missing some parts." I say while laughing but like 2 minutes later they come back. "Perfect!" I scream once allow my parts come back. "What do you mean? You lost some of your parts." Fred said with confusion. "Exactly that makes it so much more funny." I reply like I am talking to a 5 year old. "Guys, pack your bags. We are leaving in 2 hours!" Mum yelled up the narrow stairs. I grabbed all of my clothes, except for a shirt and shorts, and put a spell on them so they would fold and then go into my bag. At that my bag was full so I put an extension spell on it. I put all of my shoes in their, except for one pair. I then got my makeup and put it on. I put on a nude color that you an barely see on my eyes. Then over that I put on eyeliner into a cat eye. I filled in my brows and put blush and bronzer on my cheeks. I put on some nude lipstick and put my hair into a French braid. I put the rest of my stuff into my bag and got dressed. I was wearing a burgundy crop top and a black and white patterned skirt. I also wore a burgundy beanie.(picture of outfit above) After I finished with everything I went down stairs and made some pasta with meatballs and sauce. Once I finished eating that we had to leave so I got my trunk and put the 'light as feather' charm on it. I also grabbed my Firebolt and ran out of the house.

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