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We spent the rest of the month there and it wasn't that interesting. I mean Charlie gave me a Female Norwegian Ridgeback scale necklace. A female has ombré or gradient scales, this females scales were pink, purple, blue. I wore it for the rest of the time we were in Romania. When we got home, I unpacked all of my things and Mum had big news for me, "Sweetie, I invited Cedric to come over for a couple days!" Mum told me. Yay! I would be able to see Ceddy! "Well, he said he would be coming over at around 5 for dinner. And it's 12 now. So you have some time to get ready!" Mum squealed like a fangirl, "Oh, and you and Ginny are going to be sharing a room! You know, girl and girl!" Mum exclaimed with joy. So first my Boyfriend is staying a couple days with us, now I get to share a bedroom with my younger sister! Best summer ever! I ran upstairs and told Ginny everything, then I got all of my stuff from the boys room and moved it to Ginny's, our beds are side by side and in the middle are two night tables. Then we put an extension charm on our closet so both of our clothes could fit in there. We changed the walls from pink to a lavender. "Guys we are going to play Quiditch, Hermoine and Harry are also here." Fred told Ginny and I. I changed into a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a black rhinestone strapless crop top. I grabbed my broom and ran down the stairs and out into our back yard. I got in my broom and flew into the sky. Sounds so magical😝. "Ok, Ron and Harry will be seeker. Emi and Ginny will be chasers. And Fred and George will be beaters and Keepers. I will be the referee." Hermoine said. Oh yea and the teams were Harry, me, and Fred, versus Ron, Ginny, and George. Our team was team Wotter(Weasley and Potter) and there team was team banana bread. I think you know who came up with that.
In the end, Harry caught the snitch and we won. It was 380 to 150. We crushed! We were talking when Mum called me, "Emi! Someone's here for you!" Ceddy!! I flew down to the ground and ran inside. Cedric was talking to my mum. "Ceddy!" I screamed I ran to him and jumped he caught me and hugged me. We kissed and I got on his back. "I've missed you so much." I tell him with my head on his shoulder. I get off and stand in front of him. "You look really nice." He to me. "You to." I reply. He was eating a pair of jeans, a blue polo shirt and a pair of short black converse. He was hot😊. I saw him staring at me. I didn't care though, a lot of guys stare at me. I started laughing and he noticed that I knew he was checking me out. "Uh... I was wondering... If... You.. Uh... Want to go on a.... Date... Uh.. Tonight?" Ceddy asked sheepishly. "I would love to" I say and smile. I kiss him and bring him to my family. "Hey, Cedric!" Fred yelled from the other side of the yard. "Hey!" Ceddy yelled back. "Why? Are? You? Holding? Hands?" George asked fuming, "Oh, yea. Your sister and I are dating." Ceddy told them. I sware I have never seen George so mad in his life, then what Cedric just told him. "Cedric Diggory!" George yelled and ran towards Ceddy,
"Stupify!" I yell at George, and when I do George gets stunned and he falls to the ground. "Ouch" He whispered. I run to him and take out my wand, "You ridiculous git! You.. You... You could have hit his face! Ahhhh! Petrificus Totalas!" I scream at him. I run inside and up to the room that Ginny and I share. I hear footsteps following so I lock the door. "Babe. It's me." I hear Cedric say to the door. I unlock it and he comes in. "Honey. Look, your brothers are protective. It's ok, they wouldn't hurt me." He says and kisses me. "But... But... George came running-ing at-t y-y-you!" I yell at him. "Shhhh... It's okay. Your fine, I'm fine, George isn't fine." He comforts me and the last part makes me laugh. "Look. I need to get ready for our dinner tonight, so should you. I love you." He tells me as he is walking out of my room. I get up and go to my closet. I look and see, should I wear a long orange flowy skirt and a white crop top tank, white slip ons. Or a crop top that is long sleeved and gray, and a black leather skirt with black heels. I think I will go with the orange skirt and white cropped tank top, but will but on hold heels. Yea I'll do that. When I was done picking out the outfit, I took a shower and dried off. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and did my make up. I made my eyeliner into a cat eye and put a nude eye shadow on. Then I put blush and bronzer and put on a light pink lipstick. I curled my hair and when I was finished I got dressed. I walked out the door and while I was I grabbed my aviator sunglasses and put on a necklace with the Eiffel Tower. I also put on a ring and it was also the Eiffel Tower. I walk out the door and sit down. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and stand up, Ceddy walks in wearing a suit and tie. He was gorgeous😊. "You look... Amazing." He said while looking me over. "So do you handsome." I say while looking him over. I give him a quick kiss and we apparate to Hogsmeade. When we get there we walk to the three broomsticks and sit down. Rosemarta, a waitress, walks over and asked us what we wanted. We both got steaks and cold butter beers. "I love you." Cedric told me, "I love you more." I reply, "I love you most." He says while staring into my ice blue eyes. "Ok, you win." I say in a teasing voice. He smirks and our food come out. We eat and leave to walk around. We were holding hands and just talking. "You are so hot." He tells me and then turns tomato red, "Whoops." He said sheepishly. I just laugh and look at everything. We stop at a corner and he hugs me. He then looks down into my eyes and just stares, I get on my tippy toes and kiss him, he kisses back. We just kiss. For a while.
We walk into the house smiling like little kids who got candy for doing their homework. We walk into the kitchen and everyone turns to us. "Grrrr." George mumbles, I take my wand out and he surrenders. "Emi's got a boyfriend! Emi's got a boyfriend!" Ron starts chanting, again I take out my wand at point it at him, he surrenders to😈. "How was it darlings?" Mum asked. "Amazing." I say while looking at Cedric. He smiles and nods. "Well, are you to hungry?" Mum asked, we both shake our heads. "We're gonna go upstairs and watch a movie." I tell her, and at this George turns red with anger, he quickly takes out his wand, "Stupify! Ridiculous! Expeliarmus! AVADA-"
"Expeliarmus! Petrificus Totalus!" I yell while he is starting to cast an unforgivable curse. George drops to the ground and so does Cedric, I look down and see him unconscious. I drop to the floor and take his heart beat. He breathing, but soon George won't! "You little BI**H! You almost killed my boyfriend! Uhhhh!!! Do that one more time and I'll kill you! You small little hit! I HATE YOU!" I scream at him and run upstairs. I started crying, I mean who wouldn't when their triplet brother tried to kill your boyfriend?
Knock Knock?

See who's at the door next chapter! Love you all my little stars! Get it? It's my family name! You know, rainbow? Stars? Ok, you get it! Love you all little stars!

The Forgotten WeasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora