First challenge and something else

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"Ok, 'Mi Cedri' and 'Ictor. Congratulations! Now, the challenge is to get a dragon egg, from a nest. Now in this bag is a dragon, with a number on the bottom. The numbers will be 1,2,3 and those numbers will tell you what order you three will go in. Now 'ick." Hagrid boomed. I put my hand in the burlap bag and got a dragon and pulled it out. "Norwegian Ridgeback. 3." I read aloud. "Chinese fireball. 1." Victor told us. "American Bull. 2." Cedric told us. (A/N ok I didn't know the last dragon so I made on up.)
(A/N so I just logged onto wattpad to finish this chapter and I sw that this book had just made 602 reads! This is fantastic! We are more then 1/2 way to 1,000 and when we got to 1,000 reads or if we got this book to 800 reads in 3 days,  I will make a sequel to this book! I wasn't gonna to that but know I am! I love you!)
"Okay, Victor, 'our up firs'." Hagrid boomed. Victor walked out of the curtain and started trying to get the golden egg. All of a sudden there was a burst of screams and yells. We looked out of the curtain and saw a bloody victor laying on the ground. He had died. "Okay, because Victor has died, we are not continuing this tournament. Obviously we are not capable of this yet. But in all fairness, we are going to give the money to Emi and Cedric, congratulations." Dumbledore told the school that night and handed Ceddy and I 5,000 galleons. We both smiled and hugged each other. Now we could have our happily ever after. Once I got back to the common room I was applauded. Everyone was clapping and cheering. I went to bed that night, October 31, not knowing that tomorrow was gonna be a big day.
-November 1st-
"Emi, can I talk to you?" Cedric asked me at breakfast. I nodded and he brought me out to the garden. "Emi, 7 years ago, I met you. And 2 years ago, I started dating you. And I know it's a short time but, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Emilia Danielle Weasley, will you marry me?" Ceddy asked me with one knee on the ground. "Well, it was a lame proposal but.... YES!" I squeal and he picks me up and kissed me. "So, we are taking Weasley. We need a bigger family." I tell him. He nods and we walk back in. Once we get in the great hall Fred and George are smiling. "Congratulations." Fred and George sing in unison. "I said no." I told them. The frown. "I'm joking. I said yes." I tell them. The smile and hug me. Ron, Ginny, Hermoine, and Harry come to me and congratulate, Draco does to. Lee comes over, Seamus, Dean, Dumbledore, Mcgonogall, and the rest of the professors.

The rest of the year went by like a snap. I just got off of the train waiting to see my mum. Mum was standing next to Amos Diggory and Dad waiting for us. First I hug and kiss Mum and Dad and hug Amos. "So, what name are you taking?" Amos asked. "Weasley." I tell him. He smiles and talks with Cedric for a little bit. "Sweetie I am so proud!" Mum told me. I smile. "Well, who is going to be in your wedding party?" Mum asked. "Ginny and Hermoine as my Maid of Honors. Cedric wants his dad to be his best man, Fred, George, Percy, Bill, Charlie are going to be his brides maid but for men, I don't know what it is called. Ron and Harry are going to be ring bears. And now flower girls." I told her. "I haven't told anyone though." I tell her with a stern look. She puts her hands up in inocence. "Great, everyone is coming over right. Cause we are going to tell them then." I told her again. She goes to everyone and tells them to stay for the summer.

-That night-
"Okay, everyone. As you know Cedric and I are going to get married. Now, I have some important news. Ginny, you and Hermoine are my maid of Honors. Amos you are going to Cedric's best man, Fred, George, Percy, Bill, Charlie you are a brides maid for a man. Ron and Harry, you guys are going to be ring bears." I announce, everyone cheers and mum starts crying. George comforts her. We have dinner and in a couple months, I'm gonna be a wife.

A couple monthes later-
Today, Cedric and I are going to get married! I have my dress(Picture above) and my bouquet of roses, tulips, lilies, dandelions, and many more. I am wearing a pair of gold heels. "Ok, guys. Ginerva and Hermoine get together you will start walking in 3 minutes." The marriage cordoba tie told them. My brides maid dresses are short dresses, with tight top and poofy bottom, and they are light blue. Gold and blue is the theme. Ginny and Moine start walking down the aisle. And now it's my turn. Oh yea, I curled my hair and let it flow down, my veil is translucent with a tiny of gold. My dad has my arm and they start playing 'Here Comes The Bride' and I walk down. At the end, my dad kisses me and gives his blessing on this wedding. I walk up the altar steps and the priest says holy stuff.
"Emi, I met you, seven years ago. And started dating you 3 years ago. I know it's not a long time, but since then, I knew I wanted to marry you. I promise to help you laugh, when your sad. I promise to let you lean on my shoulder or sob into my chest when you need to. I promise, my money is your money. I promise that I will give you all the love I have, and be the best husband I can be. It might not be much, but I promise to be your Ceddy." Cedric told me. I am in tears right now and it's my turn for vows.
"I know I entered the tournament when you didn't want me to, but I didn't even get out of the curtain and we still won the money. I love you so much and I can't even explain it. I need you to now that when your sad or upset you can always count on me to make a joke, and when your happy, to help you pee your pants watching my doing one of my stupid dances. I promise that I will love you unconditionally and I will always be the Emi you fell in love with." I tell him. I see him start to tear.
"And with the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife!"
Cedric kissed me and picked me up bridal style and carried me out. Now Cedric Diggory, is Cedric Wealsey. Yea!

-After the after party-
The after party went great, we invited all the professors and all that jazz. Now Cedric and I are in our new huge home in bed. I got into my crop top and a pair of fabric booty shorts and slipped in bed. Cedric got a pair of basketball shorts on and no shirt and slipped in bed to. I kissed him and he kissed back and I got my glasses out and started to read, for like 5 minutes before falling asleep. Tomorrow is a big day!

Ok hope you liked the wedding, comment if the vows made you cry to. And when Emi told Cedric that she will help him pee his pants. Ok love you all my bright shining star!

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