Summer part 2

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We apparated to Romania to see Charlie for a month. Once we got there Charlie was in a battle with a Norwegian Ridgeback. Let's just say I like dragons. "Charlie! Hit his talon and when he bends down punch his eye!" I scream to Charlie. He turns around not knowing who screamed hat to him, but he did as I said. Once he punched its eye the dragon was in the floor and Charlie and his crew could get the netting over the Ridgeback. "Mum! Didn't know you knew so much about dragons." Charlie said, coming out more like a question. "Oh, sweetie it wasn't me. Emilia said it." Mum told him while embracing him in a hug. "Emi?" He asked with his eyes bulging out of his head. Mum shook her head and pointed to me. I was smiling and he walked over to me. "I'm Charlie." He said with his hand out. "I like you." I said while jumping on his back like a 5 year old. "Good." He said while chuckling. I don't know what, but Charlie just has a good vibe to me and I feel really safe with him, more than the others. I mean I wouldn't act this way unless I had a good feeling and I do. "So, what do you guys want to do first?" Charlie asked, "Let's show Emi the magical forest!" Ron said excitedly, "Alright." Charlie replied. We put our stuff at his tent, it's actually huge on the inside, it's magical. We walked to the forest and we each had to get a partner. The partners were, Mum and Charlie, Fred and I, George and Ron, and Ginny and Bill. We walked into the forest and Charlie screams. "Why Charlie?" Ginny asked in her little kid voice, I mean she's only 10. "We need to leave! Out of the forest!" Charlie yells at us. Fred took my hand and started running, I didn't know what was happening but I new it was bad. Charlie and Mum went the other way, so did George, Ginny, Bill, and Ron. I look behind me and see Death Eaters, oh lord. A man with blonde hair was following me, it was Lucious. I always knew he was a follower of the Dark Lord. "Dad! Stop!" I screamed at him. I let go of Fred's hand and walked towards him. "Emi!" Fred yelled at me, I turned around and gave him a glare that said shut-up, "Dad, it's me! Emi!" I yelled at him again, starting to cry. He took his wand out and pointed it at me. I started crying even more and Fred was screaming at me even more. I took my wand out to.
"Avada Kedavra!" A women screamed.
"Expeliarmus!" I said, blocking the curse.
Dad pointed his wand at me.
"Obliviate." Dad murmured.

Then my whole world went black.

-The next day-
"Oh, my little Emi!" Someone screamed while sobbing, I knew it was Mum. "She was my best friend." Fred said. "She tried to give me a fever fudge." Ron said in a snobby voice. "And she still did." George said. "She was my one and only sister." Ginny said while crying. I open my eyes and see everyone crying and standing around me, I pull my self up and stare at everyone.
"What happened?" I asked. "Nothing." Mum answered plainly. I got out of bed and shooed everyone out of the room. I got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans that are ripped a little and a white lace bando. I walk down stairs where everyone was talking in whispers. "Seriously!" I yelled. "Fine. You know you are our triplet. Right? Well, when Mum had you, she couldn't afford you, so she put you up for adoption, then the Malfoys adopted you. Lucious Malfoy, your foster father, is a Death Eater, so in the Magical Forest, the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord were hiding. So when we came, Lucious saw you and knew that you knew that he was a Death Eater, so he 'Obliviate-ed' you, so you wouldn't know him." Fred said. I started crying and ran to my room. I heard people coming up the stairs so I slammed my door, put a lock on it and a curse so no one could go in unless I am okay with it. Someone knocked on the door, "It's Ginny!" Ginny called from the outside, I was okay with having her come in so she came in. "Look, it's okay. You are my sister, and my idol. And when your sad, I'm sad. So please be happy, because when you are happy, it makes me happy. I love you very much, even though I don't know you very well. So please say that you are happy and come down stairs. You may have been adopted by Death Eaters, but that doesn't mean that you are part Death Eater. You are a Wealsey. No matter what." Ginny told me with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much! And don't worry Gin, I'm happy." I told her with a wide grin. We walked down stairs hand in hand and ate some dinner.

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