The chamber of secrets

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Emi's schedule:
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Potions GS 8:35-9:20
Divination GR 9:25-10:10
Herbology GH 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Astronomy G 12:05-12:50
Transfiguration GR 12:55-1:40
Charms GH 1:45-2:30
DATDA GS 2:35-3:20
History of Magic G 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
History of Magic GS 8:35-9:20
Charms GR 9:25-10:10
Astronomy GH 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Divination G 12:05-12:50
Potions GS 12:55-1:40
Herbology GH 1:45-2:30
Transfiguration G 2:35-3:20
DATDA GR 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
DATDA GH 8:35-9:20
Herbology G 9:25-10:10
Potions GS 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Transfiguration GR 12:05-12:50
Charms GH 12:55-1:40
History of Magic G 1:45-2:30
Astronomy G 2:35-3:20
Divination GS 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Charms GR 8:35-9:20
Divination GH 9:25-10:10
History of Magic G 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Potions GS 12:05-12:50
Astronomy GR 12:55-1:40
Herbology GH 1:45-2:30
Charms G 2:35-3:20
Transfiguration GS 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Transfiguration G 8:35-9:20
Herbology GH 9:25-10:10
Potions GR 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Charms GS 12:05-12:50
DATDA G 12:55-1:40
Dinner 6:00-8:30
(That's the schedule just so you know😘)
"Ok, it's Monday so I have Potions with Snape. Great, he hates me!" I thought to myself when I opened my eyes. Well better get ready. I rolled out of bed and got my shower stuff and clothes. I went to the showers, washed myself, got out and dryer off and got dressed. I put on a long purple tee, and a pair of acid washed skinny jeans, I put my robe and hat on, then got my black high top converse and slipped those on. I walked down to the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table next to Fred and George, and across from Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine. "Dig in." Dumbledore told us and dishes upon dishes filled up with, waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and every other breakfast food you could think of! I held up my goblet and said, nice and clearly, "Pumpkin Juice" and I watched as the juice filled my glass. You know, this will never get old. "Ok, everyone! Classes." Dumbledore said, then vanished. So did all of the professors. Probably apperating to their classrooms. All of the kids filed out of the Great Hall, like chocolate sauce that spilled. EVERYWHERE! I got to Potions just in time. I sat down next to Fred and George and class started. "Ok! Silence! Today we will be learning who to make pollyjuice potion! It is a potion that can turn you into someone else. All you need is...." Blah bla blah bla blah..... "And a hair of that person." Snape finished. Snape put all of the ingredients out on his desk and we started. "Turn into your partner!" Snape exclaimed. Fred, George and I are 3 partners so we had to choose who to turn into. In the end they turned into me! When George turned into me he was quite funny. "Ooooooo! Oh, what's this?" George asked pointing to my boobs. "Uh..... Ok squishy bouncy balls that were glued to me." I told him. "Nice!" George exclaimed. "Just... Just don't show anyone them!" I told him sternly. When Fred turned into me it was even funnier! "Why does my stomach hurt?" Fred asked. At that I blushed, yea they turned into me when I was on my period! Oh lord. "Shut it!" I scream at him, and slap him😈. "Ok, the counter curse is that you stop drinking the juice. So, tomorrow I will let you stop drinking the juice. I am now going to put you under a spell so that you will not even think about not drinking the polyjuice! So you have to be that person the whole day! Until tomorrow! Class dismissed!" Snape yelled. Great these idiots will have to be on a period and I have to tell them what they have to do! Oh lord am I into it! Alright into divination!
With professor Trawleney you never know what your in for. Today she predicted that one of my siblings is in grave danger! Whatever! Her predictions are never correct!
"All classes are dismissed for the week, all professors to the dungeons. And every student to their towers, NOW!" Dumbledore exclaims over the speaker. I don't know what is wrong but something feels like Professor Trawleney is correct! Everyone went to the common rooms and I was making sure all of my family and the people I care about, was there.
Where's Ginny?
"Fred, George, Percy! Ginny isn't here!" I yell, "Its ok Emilia." Percy told me. He never class me Emi. "Where is she then?!" I yell back. This is my family I'm talking about. My family is my life, anyone messes with the Weasley's the better watch their backs! Cause I'll come at them! I run out of the tower and search the whole school. She's nowhere to be found! "Ginny!!" I yell. I stop at a corner where the professors are talking. "This is serious! Someone has opened the chamber of secrets! One kid has gotten petrified! I'm afraid if it gets any worse... We might.. We might have to close Hogwarts." Mcgonogall whispered. The chamber of secrets? What is that?! I am determined to find out though.
-Next day, Transfiguration-
Mcgonogall was in the middle of a talk when I knew I had to ask, "Um... Just wondering, I read about the Chamber of Secrets? What is it?" I asked sheepishly. "Well, I can't talk about it to much but. Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Huffelpuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw, the four most legendary wizards ever known, and the creator of Hogwarts. They split this school into 4 parts, one for each wizard. Now, Salazar wanted, his heir, to open up a chamber. Now this heir will bring back his son. The dark lord! This heir will bring him back to his glory and he has a weapon. A Basalisk and that certainly snake can freeze you, and if you are frozen, or petrified, long enough..... You... You can die." Mcgonogall whispered the last part.

-One month later-
(If you read that in the spongebob voice, vote and comment, "a few monthes later"😝)
It's been a month since Mcgonogall told us about the chamber. I was in the common room one day and Professor Lupin, (I keep him in Hogwarts even though he isn't supposed to come in till next year, but whatever it's my book!)
"Emilia, Fred and George." Lupin called. I jumped up and Fred and George came scrambling down the stairs. "Here." He handed us a slip of paper. "I solemnly sware I am up to no good." I whispered and pointed my wand at it. The paper started filling with ink. YES! The Mauraders Map! "I think you are ready. But beware, sometimes you might find out things you don't want to." He told us wisely. I looked at the paper. Something spotted my eye. In the girls bathroom on the third floor, the paper skald Ginny Weasley. "I'll be right back." I told them taking the paper. I ran up one floor and into the bathroom, the paper now say that I am standing right above Ginny. But I'm next to the sink. I take a look at the sink, and see every knob for the water is a flower except one. It's a serpent. That's it! I turn the knob and a hole apeared. I jump into it and it brings me to a bunch of different holes. All of them bringing me to a different place. And at the last one I looked in, there was And a man. Holding a diary. What? I walk in there with my wand pointed towards the man. "Get away from my sister!" I yelled sternly. "I can't. She will bring me, back." He told me slyly. He was the dark lord in his youth
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" "Expeliarmus!"
"I told you, I am not getting away from her! But you will get away from me, and the rest of the world! A shaw an see na shaw!"
After he said that a Basalisk came out of the wall and towards me.
I keep on screaming curses at the serpent but it's not doing anything. Oh, yea. And it's sliding towards me so I am also running. Great😡. All of a sudden a red Phoenix comes out and starts attacking the large snake. The bird attacked it's eyes and it's now blind. It can only smell me now. I run to a hole that is cut off so it doesn't bring you anywhere. I crawl in there and I hear the snake slithering towards me. There is a rock in my hole and I throw it to the left and I start, quietly, running in the other direction. I run into the chamber and grab a fang from a dead serpent. I go to the man and stare at him. He just smirks!😡 His diary drops and he is bending over to pick it up when I use a spell to bring it to me. I take the fang and stab the book. Not knowing what I am doing. I keep on stabbing it and the man crumbles away. Literally. When the man is all crumbled Ginny wakes up. "Ginny!"
"I love you so much!"
"Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine. But what happened?"
"Nothing. Just nothing."
We walk out and back to the girls bathroom. We walk into Gryffindor common room. The family comes over and we have little reunion. Mcgonogall comes in and she points at me. "What did you do!" She screamed. "I saved my little sister and I am damn proud of it!" I yell back. "You found the chamber and freed a petrified student! Multiple actually, is what you did! 300 points to Gryffindor!" Mcgonogall cheered.
That year Gryffindor won the house cup, again. Now it's 5 minutes until we get to Kings cross station. We better get ready!

Ok that ending seemed like an end of a book, but it's not don't worry! I dedicate this chapter to Sxrxhtxco thank you so much for being the best star ever! I love you so much!

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