Back to Hogwarts... Again

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(A/N ok so I didnt really like The Prisoner of Azkaban so I am skipping that year and going onto Harry's 4th year witch is Emi's last year!)
I can't believe it but this year is my last year! I have been at Hogwarts for 7 years!
-The Great Hall-
"Everybody! This year is a special year for the magical community. This year the Ministry of Magic has decided to bring back.... The Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore yells over all of the chattering. For the kids in my year we have heard boring speeches for almost a decade and we just talk, but actually this is amazing! "But there is one rule... You have to be 17 and over!" A lot of people were booing over this rule, including my brothers and I. "You must also enter at your own risk! Many wizard and witches have died because of this competition. The prize is 10,000 galleons and the Wizards cup." Dumbledore told all of the school. "And in conclusion we have invited two other witch and wizard schools. Give our friends from the north a Hogwarts welcome.... Durmstrang! And the head Master Egar Karkaroff!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "And our friends from France.... Beaaxbatons! And Head Mistress Madam Maxime!" When all of the students from Durmstrang came they decided to sit with Gryffindor and Beaxbatons decided to sit with the Ravenclaws.
"Now, the last day to enter is September 16 at dinner, and today is the first day. Now dig in!" Dumbledore exclaims and we all saw the food appear on gold platers. Another feast at Hogwarts. "Not fair! We won't be able to enter! We won't be old enough!" Fred exclaimed. "What are you saying! We will be able to enter. We turn 17 on September 16 at 5:59!" I tell them. "Your right." George tells me. But seriously, when am I not? Well it's all up to the Triwizard Cup!

I know it is a short chapter but is needed to get a chapter done so yea! Next chapter is going to be the Triwizard tournament! And this chapter is dedicated to @-Watermelon-Emoji- thank for being so supportive! Love you all my little stars!

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