Chapter 8: Someone Like You

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

Yami had been silent for days after he had went to the little lake. I was fine with it, I had always lived in silence myself too. But again, after I heard what he said that evening... Maybe we weren't so different as I first thought. He wasn't the tough man I assumed he was - well, maybe on the outside. But deep inside, far behind those crimson eyes, pain and sadness was hidden.

He wanted what I wanted. What I had always wanted. Someone to love, someone who cares. Unconditionally. He didn't know I heard all what he said that evening. I had gone back to our shelter after he thanked his dad for his time. His words still gave me goosebumps. He returned a few hours later, which had seemed like centuries to me. I was lost on this island, lost in this world. No one would understand.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Yami say.

Sometimes I could tell something in his voice had changed. He seemed to be more careful, more understanding and more willing to listen. This time was one of those sometimes.

"Nothing," I said.

He sighed and sat down next to me. The view from where we sat was amazing. The water from the waterfall in front or our shelter fell powerfully down in the deep lake. You could see the minuscule drops of water that were coming off the water that slammed deep into the lake, and tiny rainbows became visible. It was beautiful. He tried to catch my gaze but it was focussed on the roaring water. His look went from me to the ground. "I'm sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"That I left you that evening," he told me. "I just couldn't control my emotions anymore."

I looked him in the eyes. His eyes had changed too.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Nothing to worry about," he said as he avoided my eyes.

"Do you want to hear my story?" he whispered.

He didn't wait for my response.

"It's just... I never got on well with most people," he started. "I was being bullied in school. Everyday when I came home I would go upstairs, to my room, and I would cry for the rest of the day. I only had my parents. But my dad was a marine, one of the best, and he was gone from home a lot. My mom was there for me, but she just didn't really understand me. Maybe it was because she missed my dad and for that she was sad, but we fought a lot and it made me even more depressed than I already was. There was only one person who truly understood me. My dad. My dad had always been my best friend. Everytime he came home he would take me in his arms and tell me everything was okay. I loved that. Those were the only moments I ever felt like everything was really okay."

Then his face clouded. "But he was shot."

A sense of grief overwhelmed me. "I'm so sorry, Yami," I said.

"The world is unfair, partner. Just on those moments you least expect it, everything is taken from you. Everything you had, everything that was precious to you. You sink deeper and deeper into a well filled with your own tears."

Wow, that was really deep. His words saddened me.

"I became a marine myself. To make sure my dad didn't die for nothing. His work as someone who fought for justice and peace would be continued. I saw so many of my comrades die. Men I didn't even know. That's when I started drinking. I became addicted to the paralyzing and soothing effect of the alcohol. I just couldn't stop. It kept me going. It kept me alive. I didn't have to think of anything. I was a machine. Just like my dad, I became one of the best. They asked me to be part of a secret operation. I said yes. We had to dress up like citizens and fly to our destination with a public airplane to make sure nobody would recognize us. And now I'm here."

He took a deep breath. "Maybe it was just better if I crashed together with that airplane, you know."

"Please, don't say that," I said to him.

"I'm just not a person you would like to be partners with, Yugi. I'm too unpredictable, too depressed, too lost. I'm lost in my own world."

The smile on my face was sad. "So am I," I stuttered.

I could see a small smile appearing on his face. "Then let's be lost together," he said.

I chuckled at the ambiguity. "Let's be lost together."

His smile grew and his hands reached for my shirt. I frowned as he started to unbutton it.

"What are you -"

"I decided that we're going to have some fun, partner. I finally understand all of it, I'm finally ready to climb out of this deep well. And we're going to do this together."

I still was uncomfortable with the situation, but I let him go his way. After all, I was so happy that Yami was developing his emotions and that he felt like he could be himself around me. He undid me from my shirt and my pants, he took off my shoes and socks and left me in my boxers. Then he stripped down himself.

"Come on," he said and he grabbed my hand.

I tried to say something but my lips wouldn't allow me. He pulled me towards the lake. "I didn't think I would ever say this to anyone, Yugi, but..." he said. "I completely trust you."

I looked in his eyes and could tell that he meant it. He had had a horrible past, and after he told me about it all he wanted to do was have fun and now he said these beautiful words to me?

"You know, Yami... I don't want to be stuck on this island with anyone but you," I said. "When we first met I doubted if we would ever understand each other, but I think we do now."

"Like I said, I'm not good at making friends."

"Are you still persisting that you don't do friends?" I smiled while I frowned.

He smirked. "I'll think about it," he said before he pushed me into the water.

The water wasn't cold, but it also wasn't warm. It was good. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as I tried to swim to the surface. I gasped for air once I reached it and I saw Yami staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"You call this having fun, big guy?" I said while I tried to clear my mouth from water.

"I find it kind of amusing," he smirked.

"Pull me out," I said. "Please?"

I smirked as his hand reached for mine. "Alright," he said kind of annoyed.

He took my hand and intended to pull me up, but instead I drew him towards me and he fell into the water. I laughed as he came to the surface. Remarkably, despite his hair was wet, it still seemed to defy gravity.

"Amusing it is," I said.

He laughed too. "I knew it," he said.

"Knew what?" I teased.

"That you were different. That you are someone that one can't resist. I can't not let you in. You're remarkable," he whispered.

"Thank you," I said. "For telling me that. It means the world to me."

He smiled. "I'll never leave you again. I promise," he said.

"Why are you being so nice to me today?" I asked him.

"Am I?" he asked.

"You're a whole different person than a few days ago," I said.

"I guess that I just needed someone like you in my life," he said. He started swimming towards the waterfall.

And maybe I just needed someone like you, I thought when I followed him.

Lost Together (Yu-Gi-Oh! Puzzleshipping fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum