Chapter 14: Awakening

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

When I eventually woke up, I found myself alone. Right away I felt a rush adrenaline, since Yami had promised me that he would be with me when I woke up. I tried to lift myself up, but the feeling of dizziness overtook me as soon as I moved my head. I groaned. Only then I noticed how much my stomach hurt. I looked down and lifted up the self crafted sheets to see myself covered in bandages. I sighed and let my head fall back again.

I tried to estimate how long I had been sleeping. Hours? Days? It couldn't have been any longer than that, considering I would have never survived that long without water.

God, I felt weak. 

I shook my head. I recollected my thoughts and dreams I had had while I was asleep. I remembered how much I had wanted him. It made me feel anxious. What if I had unconsciously told him something embarrasing? Was that maybe why he had went away?

I got a little short of breath. I was just about to try and sit up when I heard some crackling outside. I tried to say his name, to confirm that it was him, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make any sound. The sound did get closer though, and after a while the distinct sound of Yami's footsteps calmed me down.

Suddenly it seemed like something dropped to the ground with a thud. I heard the crackling of leaves again with it. Before I could sit up to check if everything was alright, Yami's eyes peeked around the corner of the doorway. He most likely did not expect me to be awake, because I saw the surprise in his eyes when he realized. He didn't know how fast he had to get inside.

''You're finally awake!'' he smiled. He sat down on the bed next to me. He put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. ''I'm so glad... I was worried sick,'' he said.

Only then I saw that his whole upper body was covered in blood. ''I─Is that all mine?'' I asked him while pointing at his drenched t-shirt. 

He looked down to see what I was pointing at. ''This? No, it's from an animal,'' he said. ''You lost a lot of blood, so I assumed you are in need of iron. The best way to get that is to eat red meat, I will probably roast it or smoke it for you.''

I connected the dots, that animal had probably caused the thud I had heard before. The fact that he wanted to care for me warmed my heart. 

''Thank you,'' I said.

He shook his head. ''No question about it. I'm just so relieved that you are okay. I mean, I knew you were going to be, otherwise I would have never left you alone. Yesterday your temperature was somewhat normal again and you were breathing very steadily.''

''How long was I out for?'' I asked.

''A day and a half,'' he said. ''We found the airplane on Thursday, it's now Saturday morning. You're just in time to see the sunrise.'' 

Yami stood up and wiped away some of the palm leaves that functioned as curtains so that I had a perfect view of the beach. I saw the sun just rising from the sea. I had always loved the colors of the sky on this island at sunrise. There was just more pink here than back home...

I caught myself thinking of the word home. I realized that home maybe was not Domino City to me anymore. That maybe, I didn't want to go home at all anymore. Because maybe I was already there. Maybe home was here, with Yami.

''I don't think that I can ever go back to how things were,'' I just blurted out.

Yami, who was standing by the window, calmly turned around as if it was the most logical thing to say. ''Why is that?''

''I─I... I have just never felt more happy than I do here, with you,'' I said. ''I think I may have realized that while I was sleeping. I feel so peaceful and comfortable with you. And you care for me. I don't wanna leave.''

The corner of Yami's mouth curled up. He looked down. ''I also feel that way about being here with you.''

To me, those words just felt like what the protagonists would tell each other at the magical ending of a beautiful movie. I felt the urge to kiss him. An urge I had never felt with anybody before. I gulped. 

''It makes me very happy to hear that,'' I told him.

Now that we had spoken it both out, it felt so definitive. Were we just going to spend the rest of our lives here? Would we just stop finding our way back to civilization? Would we be forever here, together, would we be home?

Yami nodded. He moved closer to me. The way he looked at me, that look in his eyes... At that moment I knew nothing had ever intrigued me more than he did at that moment. Suddenly I felt incredibly submissive to him. I felt paralyzed by his gaze. And yet I had the feeling that I had to confess everything I had dreamt about him and everything I had felt for him the past day and a half to him.

I shook my head. ''Yami, I...─''

''I fixed the radio,'' he just abruptly said. 

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