Chapter 10: The Flight Attendant

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

I yawned as I tried to open my eyes and streched myself. I sat up in the bed made of bamboo and palm leaves. We slept underneath a bunch of clothes that we had sewn together using little strings of bamboo as thread. Since we've been here on this island, we had had a lot of work building our shelter, but it had turned out beautiful. It felt like home. My eyes looked at the other side of the bed. It was empty.

"Yami?" I whispered. "Where have you gone?"

I felt a strong pain in my chest. He had promised that he'd never leave me again... Then where did he go?

I quickly got dressed and peeked through the window of the little house. I could look right at the sea, since we had made a path that lead directly from the house to the beach. I saw something moving between the waves. I smirked. I walked towards the beach. When I got closer to the sea, I saw I had indeed been right. The marine stood in the sea, the water almost coming to his thighs. He was throwing a selfmade wooden spear into the waves. Without his shirt on.

Everytime he threw the spear, I could see every muscle on his back move. He had strong arms, which I of course had seen before, but to see him like this... He pulled the spear out of the water. He had stabbed right through a fish. He took it off the spear and threw it ashore. Then he noticed me.

He smirked and walked up to me. "Look what I caught," he grinned.

He drew a circle on my abdomen with the spearhead. It was sharp, and I shivered at the feeling of it. He didn't stop smirking. "A starfish," he said while pointing at my hair.

"Ah, very funny," I said sarcastic. But still, I had to chuckle.

He laughed. Then he pointed at the pile of fish that lied on the sand. "I hope you didn't mind I left early this morning," he apologized.

"It's fine, don't worry," I said. Then I looked at the pile. "You caught all these fish this morning?" I asked.

He nodded. "We'll have a feast tonight."

I chuckled.

He smiled. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I slept fine."

"Good," he said. "Then what would you say of going to that mountain over there today?" he said while pointing at it with his spear.

I looked at the huge mountain. Since the first day I saw it I had wanted to go there. The mountain was not that big, but it also had a huge cliff that reached a good twenty metres into the sea.

"I would love to," I said.

"Great," he said. "I'll get dressed."

Then he walked out of the water. He still had his pants and his boots on. I really didn't know what I was thinking the last couple of days. Since Yami had promised that he would get me back to Domino so someone could fall in love with me, I had felt strange. Was that really what I wanted? He had made it all seem so dramatic. And maybe it was.

But my point is, since he said that to me, this wish started to disappear. With every day, I had had the feeling that I didn't have to fall in love anymore. It just stopped. Maybe that there still was a tiny spark somewhere, but it didn't seem to control me anymore. All the pain and sadness that once lived in my body had disappeared. I didn't feel clumsy anymore, because he knew I was strong. He knew that we needed each other to survive. We were partners.

"Well, let's go then," he said when he got back from our shelter.

I looked at his soaked boots.

"Aren't you cold?" I said.

He chuckled. "Not anymore."

I smiled. I remembered that I had called him cold on the first day we met. He was everything but cold right now.

When we had been walking for a good fifteen minutes, with a few quick stops when we found something made of iron, Yami started talking again.

"I think it's time that we finally discover the rest of this island," he said.

I nodded. "Right. Maybe we'll find a new food source."

"Oh, that would be great. I'm getting tired of those coconuts and fish."

We smiled at each other. But when Yami turned his head away from me again, he froze. His eyes widened.

"Yami? W-Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Oh my..." he whispered.

Then I looked in the same direction he was looking in. I put a hand over my mouth. There, on the shore, laid a human body. Or, what there was left of it. I froze and shivers were sent down my spine. Yami took my arm and we slowly walked towards the body. I knelt down next to it.

It was an awful sight. It was terrifying. The body had no eyes anymore, the skin was gone and some pieces of flesh were missing. Then I saw the clothes the body was wearing. She was one of the flight attendants. I looked at her badge and it felt like I was choking.

"Allison?" I whispered with a squeaky voice.

I remembered that she had asked me to help her with showing the passengers how the oxygen masks worked.

"We're going to make it, right?"

I heard her voice in my head.

"Right, captain?"

Tears rolled down my cheek. They fell down on her.

"Right, captain?"

I couldn't take it anymore.


The screaming in my head suddenly stopped as Yami turned my head towards his.

"What should we do?" Yami asked me calm.

"We should bury her," I sobbed.

He nodded. "This is not your fault, okay? Remember that."

I thought that there maybe was a chance that they had all made it. That they all had sat on top of the floating plane, waiting to be rescued. But I was wrong. She didn't survive. Maybe Craig and Eric didn't survive too. They all had a husband or wife and kids. The life that should have been taken was mine! I didn't deserve to be alive!

"She had something to live for," I said. "It should have been me instead of her."

He embraced me. "Don't ever say that again," he whispered into my ear.

Hearing the sound of his heartbeat made me calm down. I let go of my tears.

"It's alright," he whispered.

I let go of him and wiped away my tears. "Let's just bury her," I stammered.

Yami nodded.

We dug a deep hole in the sand close to the jungle with our hands. It took a while, but she was worth it. I had the feeling I owed this to her. A peaceful final place to rest. Yami walked into the jungle and returned a few seconds later with a huge palm leave.

"Let's put her on this," he said.

We laid the palm leave next to her and carefully rolled her on it. When my hands touched her, it felt terrible. It was awful. Horrible. But I owed it to her. We lifted up the palm leave and laid it in the hole. Then we covered her up with another palm leave and some flowers. Then we filled the hole up with sand again, and I laid flowers on top of her grave.

Yami put his hand on my shoulder. "You're an amazing person," he whispered to me.

I nuzzled my head into his chest and he stroked my hair. "We should go," he whispered.

He took my hand and together we continued walking towards the mountain.

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