Chapter 9

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Y/n pov

It was five days since dick asked me out we had so much fun this past couple of days he took me to the carnival and kissed me on the Ferris wheel it was so romantic but today was gonna be a mission with nightwing and I was so excited because I've been waiting to go on one forever so I put on my nightingale clothes and went down to the batcave to see Dick/nightwing on the computer looking at the location were supposed to go "hey"I said to him "hi he said back" where are we going"I said he looked up from the computer and showed me.

Time skip*

We were going to the harbor because the police had reported seeing penguin and his gang transporting weapons so of course we had to stop them.

Nightwing and I were on top of a building spying on the people transporting the weapons we decided to take them out together so we dropped done behind them "Hello boys isn't is bad to have weapons" i said and they turned back and started shooting but I dodged them and started fighting them aside nightwing

Time skip

We had stopped them and transported the guns to the police so they could handle them after all that fighting I was tired and went back with nightwing to the manor to get some rest.

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