Chapter 10

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Few months later*

Y/n pov

"Hey wake up or you will be late for work"Sarah said she was my best friend but I'm not really a morning person"Five more minutes"I told her "your going to be late for your first day of work"she said annoyed I got up and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower I put on my work clothes and drove off to work in Sarah's car I lived with her in an apartment we met about 6 months ago and I trust her so we got an apartment together she pays for the rent and I pay the bills so it would only be fair

Dick/nightwing pov

Y/n moved in with her friend I'm kinda sad she left the manor but she really didn't want to live an luxury it reminded her of her parents so she decided to move with her friend, in a couple of months I want to ask her the big question because I love her and she makes my life complete. to be continued.....

A/n hey guys so here's another chapter and I wanted to thank you guys who read my book and voted on it I really appreciate it thank you.. :3

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