Chapter 2

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Here's the 2nd chapter! Enjoy! Picture of Nevaeh above. If you don't see it, there is an external link to Nevaeh.


Umiko's POV

I can't really explain how strange/cool Diagon Alley is. It was kind of like one of the markets in Konoha, but more lively,more buildings, and more cobblestone. It had flying toys, and stores for brooms, books, wands, pets, and a lot more. Even Kakashi stopped reading his pervy book for once!

I turned to Kiba. "Hey Kiba! I bet you 10 Ryo that someone will think that Neji is blind." He grinned while Akamaru barked. "You're on!"

Neji overheard us and frowned. "Kiba, you shouldn't bet with Umiko. She's never lost a bet."

It's true. Unlike Tsunade, I had a streak of actually WINNING the bets that I made. I got the love for gambling and betting from my parents. I just wish they could see that now.

'No! Don't cry! Not now!' I thought angrily. Neji noticed and gently kissed my forehead. Kiba just shrugged, not wanting to back down.

"Um. Guys? People are looking at us weird. Especially at Kakashi-sensei," Naruto whispered. He was right. People were whispering about us. Probably about our clothes, but a group of girls were pointing to Kakashi and giggling. Hmph. Fangirls.

Shikamaru sighed and pouted. "This is such a drag. I knew this was a bad idea."

Dumbledore-sama had a look of realization on his face. "Ah! Right. Sorry children," Naruto glared at him. "We have to get you the proper attire. Follow me." He led us to a building that read, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Oh, joy.

                                                                  ~20 Minutes later~

"I look like a fucking pansy!" Naruto complained after we all got fitted into robes. I admit, they are a little bit boring, but oh well.

Kakashi hit Naruto's head. "Naruto! Behave!" Naruto rubbed his head and nodded. Akamaru was sniffing Kiba's robes, Sakura was adjusting hers, Shikamaru and Naruto were complaining, and Neji and I were just standing there.

"Alright!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "Now it's time for supplies. Let's get some pets." Naruto and Sakura perked up.

"Pets?" They echoed. Dumbledore nodded.

Soon, we were all inside the pet store and we all spread out. There were many different varieties of animals here. 'Mistress!'  I  looked around, searching for the owner of the voice. 'In here!'  I turned around and saw a beautiful blue phoenix sitting in a cage, staring at me with it's large eyes. 'Hello mistress.' 

"Can you understand me?" I asked. The phoenix nodded. Smart bird. "Umm.. Are you a girl?" Another nod. "Cool."

I kinda knew why I could talk to her. My parents, or adoptive parents, told me that I came from a special family. Yup, I'm adopted. Shocking. Apparently, I can speak to special creatures such as the phoenix. I'm fabulous bitches! I carried the cage to the checkout counter and waited. Soon, a cashier came and looked at the bird in the cage.

"That's a special bird right there. She's not like most phoenixes. She's more powerful and her tears can bring someone back to life if they're not dead for too long," the cashier told me. "Also, she's 103 Galleons."

I pulled out a pouch with Galleons that Tsunade gave to all of us and took out the desired amount. Dumbledore, Kiba, Akamaru, and Sakura were waiting outside. Kiba just bought a bag of dog food for Akamaru while Sakura got a white cat. 5 minutes later, Naruto came out with a koi fish and Shikamaru came out with nothing.

"Shikamaru! Why didn't you get anything?!" Sakura yelled. Shika shrugged.

"It would be too troublesome to get a pet. It would die anyway," He mumbled sleepily. How positive. Kakashi and Neji soon came out. Kakashi had a small puppy in his arms while Neji had a falcon on his arm. Neji set the falcon down on the ground and walked towards us.

"Um, Neji?" Naruto started. "Why did you leave the bird there?" Neji glared.

"I didn't like the way they kept him caged up, so I got him, and now he's free," Neji answered smoothly. The falcon, however, flew over and landed on his head. His face twisted into one of utter confusion.

I laughed at his reaction. "It looks like he doesn't want to leave you!" Neji grumbled and the falcon flew onto his arm.

Naruto looked at the unnamed phoenix and his eyes widened. "Woah! Umiko, nice bird! What are you gonna name it?"

I glared at him and clobbered his head. "SHE not IT. I was thinking of naming her Nevaeh or Neva for short." Neji and Kakashi nodded in approval.

Next, went to a place called, Ollivander's. Apparently, it sold wands. (A.N.: I'm too lazy to go through the whole thing so just a list will be here.)

We got:

Kakashi: 13 inches. Sycamore. Dragon heartstring core.

Naruto: 12 inches. Hazel. Unicorn hair core.

Sakura: 12 inches. Cherry. Kelpie hair core.

Kiba: 13 inches. Ivy. Kneazle whisker core.

Shikamaru: 12 inches. Fir. Troll whisker core.

Neji: 12 inches. Blackthorn. Threstal tail hair core.

Me: 12 inches. Ebony. Phoenix feather core. (Hehehe.)

Once we got our wands, Sakura spoke up. "Um, Dumbledore-sama? How are we supposed to use these? We're not magical. How are we supposed to convince other people?" Hmm. Good question

"Don't worry. You will be able to infuse chakra into your wands. You just gather enough chakra while saying spells. Tsunade would have sent more shinobi, but they would increase the chance of you getting found out. " So that's why Hinata couldn't come!

Dumbledore turned to Kakashi. "Mr. Hatake. I'm leaving them in your hands. Tommorow, you must go to Kings Cross Station and board the Hogwarts Express at exactly 11:00 at Platform 9 3/4. Farewell children! I must prepare for the school year." With that. he disappeared.

There's no such thing as Platform 9 3/4, right?


I hope you enjoyed this! Incase you didn't know, Nevaeh is 'Heaven' backwards. I saw it online and thought it was really cool.




Thanks you!

Shinobi and Wizards. What Could Go Wrong? (Naruto/Harry Potter Crossover and Neji Hyuga love story)Where stories live. Discover now