Chapter 4

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Here's Chapter 4. Enjoy! I came across this video and decided to put it up here. It is called, 'Try Not to Cry. (80% Will).' I was all like, 'Nah, I'm not gonna cry.' How wrong I was! When it was over, I was crying hysterically. If you watch this and you don't cry, you have no heart. Hehe, lol. JK. But still watch it. I guarantee that it will make you cry.

Italics: Japanese


Umiko's POV

We finally made it! Neji had cooled down and decided to join us. Soon, we all got off the train and we were all in front of a HUGE lake that separated us from a GINORMOUS castle.

"Where's Team Kakashi and Shikamaru?" I asked Kiba, who was holding a sleeping Akamaru in his arms. "I don't know. Neji?"

Neji looked around, secretly using his Byakugan."I think they went on ahead.I guess that makes sense because Kakashi is going to be a teacher." Hermione looked at us strangely.

"What language is that?" Wow. Are all witches nosy like this? "It's Japanese you nosy girl," Neji answered coldly. Hermione flinched visibly and Ron glared at him.

"Geez, mate you don't have to be rude! She's already bothered enough by those Slytherins, don't make it worse!"

Neji laughed emotionlessly. "You don't know what true pain is. Just one of us has been in more pain than the 3 of you combined. Don't EVER underestimate me." With that he turned his back to them. Kiba and I looked at on another worriedly. He shouldn't do that or he'll blow our cover.

I turned to Hermione, Harry, and Ron apologetically. "Sorry about that, it's just that he didn't want to come here and he's homesick." Nice save!

"It's alright. We've all been homesick before," Hermione told me understandingly. Ron and Harry nodded in response.

~A few minutes later~

I don't think I've ever seen a more stranger creature than the one Kiba, Neji and I were staring at right now. It was a winged horse with a skeletal body, a gaunt face with reptilian features and the wings were large and leathery, kind of like bats wings. Dafuq?? Are these supposed to be pulling the carriages??

"What the hell?! What are these things!?" Kiba yelled loudly, causing Akamaru to wake up. I think the small white dog could see the creatures because he started barking hysterically. Hermione looked at us strangely.

"What are you talking about? These are horseless carriages. They're enchanted." Suddenly, a large man in robes and wearing a large black beard walked over to us.

"These lovely creatures here are called Thestrals an' you can on'y see 'em if yeh have seen death. By the way, me name's Hagrid," the large man explained. Hermione was looking at us, probably wondering how we could have seen death at this age.

~At the castle~

"Alright, firs' years! Come with me!" Hagrid called out. He then turned to Kiba, Neji and I. "Yeh three, go with the firs' years. You'll be sorted with them" We nodded and got in the crowd of small children. Hermione waved goodbye to us and went with her group. I noticed Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamrau in the crowd of first years. They noticed us and started walking over.

"Aw man, why do we have to be with a bunch of little kids? This is so troublesome!" Shika complained again. I glared at him intensely and he stopped talking.

"Where's Kakashi?" Neji asked Sakura. She frowned and pouted. "He just left us here! He said he had to join the other professors or whatever." Naruto looked at Akamaru, who was still in Kiba's arms.

"Hey Kiba, I don't think you can bring dogs into the Great Hall," Naruto pointed out. Kiba glared. 'I don't give a damn. Akamaru's not leaving my side, right buddy?" Akamaru yipped happily. Suddenly, the large doors we were standing behind opened and hundreds of eyes swiveled towards us. Neji glared at the people who were staring at him. An old woman with her grey hair in a bun, a witch's hat, emerald green robes, and a stern expression on her face pulled out a piece of parchment and began called a name. The owner of the name, a girl, went up and nervously sat down on a stool that was at the front. Then the hat started TALKING. I think I might've accidentally drank some sake somehow. The others had the same reaction. Naruto had his jaw on the ground, Kiba and Neji just stared, and Sakura and I were rubbing our eyes. Shika didn't do anything. The hat suddenly yelled out, "Ravenclaw!"

The old woman kept calling names and the hat kept yelling out random words like, 'Slytherin', 'Hufflepuff', 'Ravenclaw,' and 'Gryffindor.' Soon, she read all of the names and then Dumbledore-sama went to the podium at the front.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! This year, we have some new guests from Japan. One of them will be teaching the Stealth and Silence Unit this year! (A.N: Sorry! I couldn't think of anything else.. I had a brainfart.) Please welcome Professor Kakashi Hatake!"

People started clapping loudly and Kakashi, who was sitting with the other teachers, blushed beneath his mask and waved sheepishly. I noticed he changed his forehead protector had been switched for a black eyepatch. The majority of the girls in the hall started giggling and whispering. I could faintly hear them and heard some traces of, 'Hot', and 'mysterious.' Stupid fangirls. I think I get why Sasuke left. Still, he's a traitor.

Dumbledore wasn't done talking. "He has also brought with him, 6 exchange students from Japan. They will all be in their 6th year. Now, when we call out your name, come up to be sorted." Yeah, no shit.

"Hyuga, Neji!" Neji walked up calmy and sat down on the stool. I could hear some girls squealing about him and that made me mad. I started counting to calm myself down. Neji's face looked slightly confused at first, then normal. The hat made its decision. "Gryffindor!" The table with the lion banner started clapping and some girls started giggling as he sat down.

"Uzumaki, Naruto!" He got into Gryffindor. Squealing girls.

"Inuzuka, Kiba!" Gryffindor again. Some more squeals from girls. This is getting old.

"Haruno, Sakura!" Gryffindor.

"Nara, Shikamaru!" This time, he got into Ravenclaw. That's not a surprise actually. Hermione told me that Ravenclaw is for the smart ones, and I thought that Shika would have no trouble getting there because he's a genius.

"Tanaka, Umiko!" Finally. I walked up and sat down on the stool. Some guys let out wolf-whistles and I flipped them off. I could see Neji smirk from the Gryffindor table. The hat was placed on my head. Another ninja I see. Dafuq? Who said that? I did. I'm the hat. I look through your memories and determine in which house you belong in. Oh. Yes, now let's see. Hmm.. You would do anything to protect your friends? Very honorable. You're very similar to Naruto. You've lost your parents? How tragic! Some people would seek revenge, but no. You stayed and protected your village. You belong in.... "GRYFFINDOR!"


YAY! I DID THIS IN ABOUT 2 HOURS!!! SO ACCOMPLISHED! Tell me how you guys felt about the video at top. Did you cry or not? Let me know!





Shinobi and Wizards. What Could Go Wrong? (Naruto/Harry Potter Crossover and Neji Hyuga love story)Where stories live. Discover now