Chapter 3

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Here's Chapter 3! Enjoy! Picture of Neji at the top. :)


Umiko's POV

The next day, Kakashi took us the Kings Cross Station where we would have to board the Hogwarts Express. We were at Platform 9 with our carts, but there was no Platform 9 3/4.

Naruto was scratching his blonde head in confusion. "Kakashi-sensei, are you sure this is where we are supposed to be? I mean, there's nothing here." He was right. We were all standing in front of wall.

"Ugh. Why are we even here? This is so troublesome. What a drag," Shikamaru complained once again.

Kakashi looked up from his pervy book. "Huh? Oh, don't worry Naruto. We'll figure it out," he said in a relaxed voice then went back to reading. I rolled my eyes. Geez, how did he ever become a Jonin anyway?

"Byakugan!" We all looked at Neji, who was using his Byakugan. He pointed to the wall in front of us. "I see an entrance in the wall. We are supposed to run through the wall."

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Kiba cried, causing some passing people to look at him strangely. "Are you trying to kill us?!"

Neji glared at him fiercely. "Fine. I'll go through first." He got his cart and ran through. To our surprise, he disappeared into the wall. Akamaru started barking uncontrollably and Kiba gave him a treat to shut him up.

Soon, we were all through. Kakashi put away his pervy book (IT'S A MIRACLE.) and looked at the clock that was hanging on a nearby column. "Hmm. It's almost 11:00. We should get on now." We took our stuff and boarded the train. Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto went inside one of the compartments and shut the door.Shikamaru claimed his own compartment. He said it would be too, 'troublesome' to share space. Neji, Kiba, and I sat down in another compartment, but didn't shut the door. I took of the blanket that covered Nevaeh's cage. She ruffled her  blue feathers and blinked at me. I unlocked the cage door and she gently hopped out. Akakaru barked, hopped out of Kiba's lap, and started sniffing the blue phoenix. Neva squawked and flew back into the cage which caused Akamaru to whimper softly.

Suddenly, the compartment door opened and boy with bleach blonde hair looked inside. His eyes landed on me.

"Well, hello. Why don't you ditch these losers and come hang out with me?" He said cockily. I noticed he spoke with the same accent Dumbledore-sama had.

Neji glared daggers at the boy. "She's not going anywhere with you." The boy looked at him in disgust.

"Why would she want to stay here with you, you blind freak?" He replied snootily. BOOM!

"Haha! You heard him Kiba! He called him blind! Pay up!" I yelled enthusiastically. The dog lover grumbled and pulled out 10 Ryo out of his pocket and slammed it on my open hand. The blonde looked at us weirdly, then shook his head. Neji stood up, seething, and walked out of the compartment. He closed the door and Kiba and I could hear the cries of fear that came from the blonde's mouth. Kiba started chuckling to himself. I just shook my head. I knew Neji would get upset if someone thought he was blind. The compartment door opened and Neji calmly walked back inside. The blonde's face was bruised and covered in blood. I think his nose was broken too.

"Y-you'll pay for this!" The blonde yelled while scrambling to get up. "My father will hear about this!" Neji glared at him and the blonde quickly scurried away.

A few minutes later, a girl with bushy brown hair, a boy with red hair and freckles, and a boy with black hair, green eyes, and a lightning shaped scar on  his forehead stood at the door.

"May we sit here? All the other compartments are full," the girl asked politely. She looked like she was very intelligent.

"Sure," I told her with the same amount of politeness. The 3 of them sat down the 2 boys sat down next to Kiba and the girl sat next to me.

"I'm Hermione Granger," the girl told us.

"Ron Weasley," the ginger said.

"Harry Potter," the black-haired boy said. The 3 of them looked about 14.  Ron looked at Neji and his eyes widened.

"Uh, mate? Are you blind or something? Your eyes... they don't look normal......" Ron trailed off awkwardly. Neji glared at him, obviously pissed.

"I'm going to walk around the train for a bit," he said flatly. He then stood up and strolled out of the compartment.

Ron shivered. "Geez, what's his problem?" Kiba laughed loudly, causing the 3 of them to jump. "Don't worry about him. He's just sensitive. And don't call him blind because he's anything but that. You could get seriously hurt if you do that again."

Harry's brows furrowed. "Wait.. Did Malfoy call him blind? I saw him looking scared and with a broken nose."

"If you mean a blonde asshat, then yeah."

Hermione turned to me. "So! I've never seen you 3 at Hogwarts before. Are you new? Where are you from? What year will you be in?"

"Woah, woah! Slow your roll!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, we're new. I'm Umiko Tanaka. The guy with the dog is Kiba Inuzuka and the guy that stormed out is Neji Hyuga. He's my boyfriend. We're from....... Japan! Yeah that's it. Japan" Well that's not suspicious at all! Nice going Umiko. "I'm 16. Kiba's 16 and Neji's 17. we came here with 4 others too. I'm too lazy to talk about them, so that's that."

Hermione's POV (BAM!)

I looked at the girl with purple hair and green eyes suspiciously. She hesitated when she said she and her friends were from Japan. The boy with brown hair and red markings on his face, Kiba I think, was feeding his dog.

Harry looked at the dog with a look of admiration. "What's your dog's name?" Kiba grinned widely and I noticed that his canines were VERY sharp. "His name's Akamaru!" He answered earnestly. 

I looked over to Umiko's side and my eyes widened at what was sitting in the cage. A blue phoenix! A normal phoenix is rare enough, but a BLUE one is almost unheard of!

"Blue phoenixes are extremely rare! What did you name him/her?" I asked her eagerly. Umiko smiled proudly. "Her name's Nevaeh, or Neva for short! It's 'Heaven' backwards, so I thought it suited her."

I nodded and my thoughts went to the guy with long brown hair and lavender eyes. Usually, if your eyes were that color, you wouldn't be able to see but Neji  can see just fine! Hmm... I'll have to research this at Hogwarts...


Ooohhh!!! What's Hermione up to???? DO NOT WORRY. I SHALL TRY TO UPDATE TOMORROW.





Shinobi and Wizards. What Could Go Wrong? (Naruto/Harry Potter Crossover and Neji Hyuga love story)Where stories live. Discover now