Chapter 6

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Hola minions. Your prom queen has arrived. lol. JK. I will never be a prom queen.   Also, I noticed their hasn't been a lot of Umiko/Neji time lately, so there will be some of that here! Anywho, onwards with the story!!

Picture of the fabulous Deidara at the top!!


Umiko's POV

I'm so glad classes were over for the day. Too bad we have to endure the rest of the school year. We were all in the Great Hall, waiting for Dumbledore to make his announcement. There was this ghost called Nearly Headless Nick and he said that something unusual was gonna happen.

Dumbledore stood up and walked up to the podium. "First off, I'd like to say that there will be no Quidditch Tournament this year." Immediately, almost all the people in the hall began to protest. Harry and Ron both looked frustrated while Fred and George started to protest loudly.

Dumbledore raised his hand. "Instead, we will be hosting a very exciting event that has not been held in over a century. It is my great pleasure to tell you all that we will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts this year." Suddenly, the ceiling looked like a storm and people were screaming all around us, including Naruto. Then this strange looking man with a fake eye clonked in through the doors with someone behind him. I couldn't see what he/she looked like because they had a black rain coat covering themselves. The strange man took out a wand and shot something at the ceiling, making it go calm. He and the other person walked up to Dumbledore.

"Stupid ceiling," the man remarked. A boy named Lee Jordan started speaking softly amongst ourselves.

"Guys, I think that's Alastor Moody!" Hermione looked shocked. "Mad-Eye Moody? The auror?"

Neji turned to her. "Auror?" He echoed. Hermione nodded. "They're trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts and capture and arrest Dark witches and wizards."


Dumbledore smiled at the man and turned to all the students. "We have 2 new teacher here." 2? "This Alastor Moody. He will be the Defense Against the Darks Arts professor this year." He turned to the other person. "I'll let you introduce yourself."

The person took of the rain coat and I swear I stopped breathing. He looked just like my dead brother, but older. The guy had long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. His hair was in a ponytail and part of it was covering half of his face. He wore fingeless black gloves on his hands. The guy smiled "Hi! I'm Deidara and I'm gonna be your art teacher."

Oh, shit.  All this time, I thought my brother had died. I was relieved but I couldn't help but feel scared. Would he recognize me? If he did, what would he say? I didn't really pay attention to the rest of what Dumbledore said.  I guess I looked really shocked/surprised because Neji looked at me in concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I nodded my head. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He gave me a look that says he didn't believe me, but he stayed quiet.

Hermione's POV

Umiko's been acting really strange ever since the new art teacher introduced himself. She's suddenly gotten pale and started shaking, as if she was crying. After dinner, I pulled Harry and Ron to the side.

"Guys, I think they're up to something!" I whispered harshly. Harry and Ron looked at me strangely.

"Who?" Ron questioned. I scowled at him. "The exchange students! They seem suspicious."

Harry furrowed his brows. "How are they suspicious?" I rolled my eyes at their stupidity.

"Well, Neji is always wearing this strange forehead protector with something that looks like a leaf on it. It could mean something. And when I first asked them where they came from, Umiko hesitated when she said they were from Japan.  I also overheard Sakura and Shikamaru talking about something called, 'Konoha.' I seriously think they might be Deatheaters!"

"Before you do something crazy, why don't you go to the library and research some stuff?" Ron commented. I smiled and nodded.

"Finally, you come up with a good idea!"

Umiko's POV

Dear Hinata,

How are you? We're fine, but the classes are terrible. Kiba got a month's worth of detention just because he brought Akamaru to class. Speaking of that, Akamaru got a growth spurt! Now he can carry people. I know I told you that we use owls to deliver mail, but I didn't get an owl. So don't freak out because a blue phoenix delivered this. Her name is Neva and if you give her a dead mouse, she should be alright. Naruto almost got eaten by a killer plant. You made a great choice, Hinata. There will also be something called the, 'Triwizard Tournament.' I remember Tsunade telling us for one of us to participate in that. I think Neji will because he's 17. Only people who are 17 and higher can participate. If you go to Suna, tell Gaara I said hi and congrats on becoming the Kazegake. (A.N: Yes, that happened.) That's all for now.


- Umiko

There. I sealed the letter and put it in Neva's beak.

"Take this to Hinata in Konohagakure," I commanded. She squawked and flew out the window of the owlery. I rubbed my face and sighed. When I got back to my dormitory, I saw that Sakura and the other 3 annoying girls were already asleep. I think I might have Insomnia. )(A.N: Sorry if you have Insomnia!) I walked down to the Common Room and to my surprise, Neji was sitting cross legged in front of the fire. The first thing I did was sit next to him. He glanced at me.

"Are you going to tell me why you  almost passed out at dinner?"

My eyes widened a bit. "I was kinda hoping you wouldn't aske me about that..." I said awkwardly.

Neji sighed. "I'm worried about you, Umiko. You never told me anything about your biological family before and you were really pale at dinner." I frowned, knowing he got me.

"Fine! Before I got adopted, I had a brother named Deidara. We stayed at the orphanage together. The day I left with my new family was the day the orphanage caught fire and exploded. I had always thought he had died. I guess I was wrong."

Neji shook his head in disbelief. "I would never judge you. You should tell your brother that. And just know that you will never be alone."

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you." I leaned over and gently kissed him. His arms encircled my waist as he kissed back. My fingers tangled in his dark hair as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I pulled away.

"Let's not get carried away here!" He laughed lightly. "Okay, fine. It will happen eventually."


WOOOOO!!!! HOW WAS THAT?!?!? I felt so awkward/fangirly while writing that kiss.... How to people who write smutty things do it?? BUT YAY!! DEI DEI  SHOWED UP!!! AND HE'S AN ART TEACHER!!! Typical. Ah well. TELL ME IF NEJI SHOULD JOIN IN THE TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!





Shinobi and Wizards. What Could Go Wrong? (Naruto/Harry Potter Crossover and Neji Hyuga love story)Where stories live. Discover now