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A/N: Hello there my lovelies! We've got a fun one here today. At least, I think it's pretty funny. Not quite as much fluff, but some good ol' Mitch doing stupid things again. I've missed it, so here you go. Enjoy!

Chapter 8

It was a few days later, and we were back home in LA. As much as I loved being at home with my family, I loved being back in LA too. Especially since Wyatt and Aphrodite got to see their new home.

Scott and I went out and bought the cats some more essentials. We also did a few rearrangements around the apartment, since I had been sick when they arranged things the first time around.

Scott knew me well enough to guess where a lot of the things would go, but other things were all wrong.

"Oh my god," Scott exclaimed randomly.

"What?" I asked worriedly.

"I never listened to your CD," he pointed out before disappearing into the bedroom. He came back out a few moments later, holding it up before crossing the room over to the radio.

He smiled like an excited child as he put it in. He clapped his hands together eagerly and waited.

Just a few words in, and he put his hands over his mouth, covering his wide smile. He put his hands on the side of his face before looking at me with a sappy look. "Mitchy," he cooed. I smiled and blushed slightly before he approached me. "I love it," he assured me.

"You've heard like 30 seconds of it," I pointed out.

"I know, but I love Beyoncé and I love you, so I know that I already love it," he explained before pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, "I love you too," I promised, "And Beyoncé," I added.

"Good," he replied, "About loving me and loving Bey," he reiterated.

"Dork," I quipped.

He smirked before looking at the clock. "It's 6, and the party isn't until 10 so—"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Party?" I repeated.

"Yeah, the New Year's Eve party at USC? Everyone's been talking about it. We talked about this before we left. You said you would go," he pointed out.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste, "I don't really wanna go to a party tonight. I don't really have good luck with it comes to parties, remember? I hid in your bathtub and watched Spongebob at my first party, and got hazed at my last party," I reminded him.

"That won't happen this time. I'll be there," he pointed out.

I gave him an annoyed look.

He pouted slightly, but nodded, "No it's fine, we don't have to go," he assured me.

He really wanted to go, but I didn't.

Compromise. "You can go. I'll stay here with the kitties," I offered.

"It won't be the same without you," he tried.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh don't even. You have tons of friends. We can do things without each other sometimes," I pointed out, and he nodded.

"Are you sure you're ok with me going out and you staying here?" He asked cautiously.

Yeah. I'd spent most of my high school life sitting at home alone, and honestly, I loved it. Now that I considered it, I was kind of excited for a night in by myself.

"Just as long as you get home in one piece, then yeah," I assured him.

He smiled excitedly, "Alrighty then," he agreed.

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