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A/N: The first half of this chapter is dark and depressing, but it gets happier near the end. Sorry for not updating yesterday, I just wasn't up to it. Enjoy!

Chapter 9

I winced as I slowly came to. The air around me felt warm, and suffocatingly humid. I rolled over onto my back, before opening my eyes slightly.

I was surrounded by darkness. I slowly sat up, squinting through the darkness, trying to focus in on something. I couldn't see anything, and all I could hear was the sound of my shallow breathing.

I stood up, and did another one-over of my surroundings, which was futile. My whole body was covered in sweat, making me internally cringe.

I wasn't sure if walking around was a good idea. I didn't know where I was, and I was practically defenseless.

I did it anyway. I started walking forward, cautiously. Despite the warm air, the floor beneath my bare feet was cold.

I reached out my hands, trying to find something for support as I walked. I found a wall, and kept my hand flat against it, trailing behind me as I continued forward.

I came to a halt when the wall disappeared. I peeked around the corner cautiously, looking down the hallway. I swallowed nervously when I saw light flooding out underneath a door.

I let out a shaky breath before walking forward towards the door.

Once I was in front of the door, the light seeping through revealed my feet, and right up past my ankles. I took a deep breath before reaching for the metal handle.

I wrapped my hand around it hesitantly before twisting the handle and pushing the door open. I released it quickly and shielded my eyes from the light that poured through.

It wasn't a bright light, but it was a step up from complete darkness. I proceeded forward before dropping my arm out of my view, and squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light.

As soon as I looked at the sight before me, I wanted to vomit. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry.

Hanging from the ceiling in a noose, was Braden. His body was beginning to decompose, but I knew it was him. I covered my mouth as tried to steady my breathing.

There was someone else next to him, also hanging in a noose. Noah. Except his corpse was engulfed in flames.

I began to hyperventilate as I stumbled backwards. I tripped over my own feet and crashed onto the floor, desperate to get away.

I flinched at a familiar voice.

"Mitch!" Scott exclaimed desperately.

I spun around quickly. He was standing in the hallway with a look of horror. Before I could run to him, the door slammed shut, locking me in.

I gasped as I stood up and reached for the handle. Scott knocked on the door frantically.

"Mitch, let me in!" He pleaded.

I tried twisting the handle, but it was locked. "I—I can't," I choked out.

"Please. Just let me in," he murmured.

"I—I don't know how," I replied pathetically.

"I can help just have to let me in," he begged.

I tried desperately to twist the handle, but it was no use. I couldn't open the door. I didn't know how.

I was locked in with my demons, and I couldn't let Scott in.

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