Scavenger Hunt

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A/N: Hello there my lovelies! I hate this chapter. It's a love-hate thing. It's cute but cringeworthy omg. HOWEVER, this is the second to last chapter and that makes me sad. I love this series, they are my children basically, so it'll be tough to say goodbye. I'm juggling ideas for my next fic though, so ...yeah. Enjoy this shit!

Chapter 12

I stopped at the pet store on the way home, and wasted some money on some dog food. I wasn't sure whether to get her any toys or not. She seemed to be rather lazy.

I could already imagine Scott's amused grin when he found out that I kept her.

I was too weak-willed. If he randomly came home with another animal, we were screwed.

We already had too many animals. I would have to call the landlord and sweet-talk her into letting us keep Beyoncé. I did that once I got back to the apartment.

She was hesitant, but I offered a higher monthly rent payment, and she instantly agreed.

I hid in my room to study for an upcoming test. I expected Beyoncé to come lay in the bed with me, but she was out in the living room, probably lounging on the couch.

Once she started whining, I put in my headphones and drowned out her annoying sounds.

I immersed myself into the music and the textbook so much that I didn't hear Scott calling my name until he grabbed my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

I flinched and pulled out my earbuds before looking at the time. I'd managed to kill 4 hours without noticing.

"Hey, I just got home. Sorry again about this morning. I'll go take Beyoncé—"

"I already tried. She's old, they were just gonna euthanize her," I muttered tiredly.

"You caved? Over a dog?" He asked with an amused grin.

I rolled my eyes, "I have 0 will power," I informed him. He laughed before pulling me into a hug.

"Did you call the landlord?" He asked as he pulled away.

"Yeah. Rent's up by $80 by the way," I muttered as I climbed off of the bed.

"That's fantastic," Scott replied sarcastically.

"Hey, you're the one who brought her home," I reminded him as I poked my finger into his chest.

He chuckled, "It just makes us a happier family," he teased before pulling me back into his arms.

I couldn't help but smile as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Just when I thought everything was going perfectly, a few weeks later, Scott started acting strange.

He wasn't home as much anymore. He always claimed that he was "busy", but I never got much more of an explanation.

He was up to something. Every time I would ask, he would just give me that stupid grin. Albeit, the weirdness only lasted for about 2 days, before the dork called me around 10:30 one night when he was supposed to be home from work.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey. Listen. Alex needs some help for an upcoming test. I'm gonna help him study. I'll probably end up crashing there for the night," he explained.

"I can smell your bullshit through the phone," I informed him.

"That's gross," he replied.

"What're you up to?" I demanded. As much as I loved his quirky surprises, the weirdness was lasting too long and I was getting annoyed.

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