Another Addition

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A/N: Hello there my lovelies! This story is literally so random. But an ongoing trend is revisited ;) A short chapter because i'm feeling lazy today. Enjoy!

Chapter 11

It was several days later, and the conversation with Kevin was old news, and neither of us brought it up again.

Scott had to work late, and I had decided to turn in early for the night.

At least, I wanted to turn in early for the night. But around 11, I was being interrupted from my peaceful slumber. I huffed and glanced next to me.

Scott's side of the bed was still empty. He was usually home by now.

I could hear him out in the apartment.

"You have to be quiet," he ordered in a whisper.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Who the hell was he talking to? I was even more confused when I heard a whining sound.

"Shhh," Scott hissed desperately. "If Mitch sees you he'll literally kill me," he whispered.

I gaped, suddenly feeling very offended. There had to be a reasonable explanation. Scott would never...

I got my explanation.

There was a loud bark, followed by more desperate shushing.

Oh my god.

I threw off the covers before climbing out of bed and heading to the door. I opened the door and looked in the living room, crossing my arms.

I looked at Scott, and then at large, panting Rottweiler, and then back at Scott with a displeased look. "Why?" I asked simply.

"I was driving home, and he jumped into the road. I almost hit him, but I didn't. So I got out, and he was whining. He didn't have a collar or anything. I'm gonna take him to the animal shelter, first thing in the morning, I promise. But it's raining andâ"

"It's raining?" I repeated in an annoyed tone before looking at the trail of muddy pawprints from the door to where they were.

Scott followed my gaze and clenched his teeth together awkwardly, "Whoops. I'll clean it up, I promise. I just couldn't let him spend the night alone," he cooed in a childish tone before crouching down and hugging the panting beast.

I sighed in annoyance, "Scott, we have two cats," I reminded him. They were currently in the bedroom, but I didn't want to see what they'd be like together.

"No listen he's literally the sweetest dog ever. I'll take him to the animal shelter tomorrow. Please? I'll give him a bath and dry him off. He can sleep on the couch," he pleaded.

"You're mental. But...fine..." I gave in. I wasn't a huge dog person, but I would still feel bad if we banished him back into the rain. "After more coming home with random animals. You have a problem," I quipped playfully.

He laughed in response, "Can we name him?" He inquired excitedly.

"We're getting rid of him tomorrow. It'd be like naming the cow you're gonna slaughter and make into hamburgers," I countered.

Scott gasped and placed his hands over the dog's ears, "Don't worry, he's not gonna slaughter you and make you into hamburgers," he assured the dog in a "baby talk" voice.

"I'm going back to bed," I declared.

"No, can you help me give him a bath? It'll be fun. And we can think of a name," Scott pleaded.

I rolled my eyes, "But I'm tired," I whined.

"We have the day off tomorrow. We can sleep in," he offered.

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