The Woods

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything for months, I've been really busy and had no ideas for what to write next but I'll try to update regularly from now on... If any of you are still actually reading this I'll be amazed.

So anyway here's the next chapter...
Charlie x


The room fell silent and all Thomas could hear was the sound of the pouring rain bouncing off the roof of the homestead. Thomas licked his tears from the roof of his mouth. His skin was tight from the dry tears on his face. Newt was glancing down at his beaten up bed sheets that barely covered his feet, his hand gripped so tightly around them his knuckles began to turn beetroot red. Thomas didn't have anything else to say to Newt so he turned on his heels and stalked out of the room, the heat rose in his cheeks as he felt Newt's eye resting on him as he slammed the door shut leaving the room.

Teresa. Teresa, was the only person in the glade Thomas felt he had a connection to, the only person he felt he could talk to and she would understand. Thomas's strides turned into a jog, which turned into a run. He knew he had to talk to Teresa, to tell her what had happened with Minho, and Newt. Thomas skidded along the wet grass. It was still raining more heavily than ever. His mind shot to the one and only place he knew Teresa would be... The woods. He and Teresa would always take walks in the woods whenever they needs to talk or get away from the hell that was the glade.

Thomas must have passed over a dozen trees and there was still no sign of Teresa, so Thomas decided to take a rest and perch himself under a shady tree. After possibly hours, or rather long minutes, Thomas heard a familiar voice from behind him. He whipped his head around as fast as he could, almost straining his neck. It was Teresa.
"Teresa!" Exclaimed Thomas, relief in his voice.
"Thomas, I didn't think I'd see you here, I imagined you'd be with Newt."
Thomas felt a sharp lump in his throat at the sound of Newt's name. "That's what I came to talk to you about, actually." Thomas said in an uneasy tone.

After Thomas finished explaining his encounter with Alby and Newt's almost fatal story, Teresa's face drained of colour. She sat there thunder struck, uncertain of what to say. "Thomas, I-"
"It's okay Teresa, I only wanted you to listen, I don't expect you to say anything." She merely blinked.
Thomas finally rose after sitting in silence for longer than he could bare, Teresa stood up with him arching her back as though she were stretching. "Thanks," Thomas finally said, breaking the more than awkward silence. Teresa smiled, he didn't return the smile, he simply turned and walked away, his heart beating as though it was going to shoot out of his chest.

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