Fatal Sting

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Hours passed and Newt still hadn't woken up so Thomas decided to take a walk around the glade. Thomas rose from his chair but before he could take a step forward he heard movement. "Thomas" mumbled a familiar voice. Thomas flipped his head around to see Newt trying to sit up in bed. Thomas didn't flinch he just stood there in shock staring at his friend who he thought could possibly be dead. "Thomas I-"
"I don't want to hear it Newt, please" and Thomas stormed out of the homestead. He didn't know what to do, his friend was awake but he couldn't look at him the same after what had happened in the maze the previous night.
Thomas ran to find Alby, to tell him that Newt was finally awake and surprisingly talking. Thomas made his way around the glade. He finally spotted Alby at the wall which each greenie had to write their name on when they arrived at the glade. It looked as though alby was crossing someone off the wall which only happened when a glader passed. "Alby what are you-"
"He didn't make it Thomas". Thomas stared into Alby's eyes, unsure of what he was talking about. "Minho, he didn't reach the serum in time. He's gone." Thomas couldn't believe what he had just heard their leader say. One of his only friends in the glade was gone. He was dead. Minho was dead. Thomas couldn't bare the thought of Newt almost facing death but now Minho was dead and he wasn't coming back.

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