The Last Straw

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Thomas left Alby to his thoughts and began to head back to the homestead to check on Newt. He opened the door with pure rage still thinking about what Alby had just told him. Newt was now sat up eating the food Chuck had brought them both. A steak, with mash potatoes and various different vegetables. "Hey shank" said Newt, his mouth full of food. Thomas merely stared at him. "Where'd you run off to?" Asked Newt who now had gravy running down his chin. Thomas didn't dare tell him what Alby had just told him a few moments ago as Newt had been through a traumatic night himself and the news about Minho would only make it worse. "I just went for a walk" Thomas said his voice squeaking a little as he spoke. Newt threw him a daring look, anger in his eyes. Thomas could tell that Newt knew he was lying. "About last night-" but before Thomas could finish, Newt interrupted. "Save it. I know what you're gonna bloody say. Why did I do it? Why would I do such a stupid thing?" Thomas's eyes dared from Newt to the floor and then back to Newt. "I-" Thomas began but stopped himself. Before he knew it Newt was speaking again with frustration in his voice, he cheeks burning red. "I hate this place tommy. I hate every second of every day. I tried to kill myself Tommy, thought since I was alone there's nothing to lose. I wanted to bloody die. Tommy, I'm sorry." Thomas's heart sank, his stomach turned as his best friend explained why he wanted to jump from the maze wall. He could bare it. Minho, now Newt. Who next? Thomas could feel his eyes burning, tears began to roll down his cheeks. "Im so sorry, tommy" but Thomas didn't say a word. He could see the hurt in Newt's eyes and it pained him to look at Newt, he kept on staring at the floor. His tears still streaming down his face, he could taste them. Bitter.

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