True Feelings

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As Thomas reached the edge of the woods he heard a blood curdling scream, he whipped his head towards where the sound was coming from: the homestead. Newt. Thomas bolted towards the shabby building, throwing open the door at full force. Glancing around, Thomas saw Newt lay on the bed clutching his bleeding leg. "Newt your leg" Thomas panted.
"You think I don't bloody know that" Newt cried through gritted teeth, clearly in pain. "But I thought you were recovering, the medjacks said-"
"I know what the bloody medjacks said" exclaimed Newt. Thomas reached over and grabbed a damp cloth from the table beside Newt's bed and placed it on Newt's leg, his hands trembling as his began to put pressure on Newt's leg to reduce the bleeding.

Hours passed and Thomas still stuck by Newt's side, his hands covered in dry blood. Newt's blood. The medjacks had been and gone to check up on Newt, they replaced the bandages on his leg, they weren't much help considering they got their job the same way everyone else did, it wasn't really decided on by talent, more what they were told to do. Chuck had stopped by multiple times, mainly to keep Thomas company. He brought Newt and Thomas a plate of Frypan's well cooked dinner. Thomas couldn't have been more hungry and gulped down the dish in minutes, while Newt's still lay untouched and cold on the bed side table. Suddenly, Thomas felt a cold hand rest upon his leg. He glanced down at Newt who's eyes began to twitch, Thomas couldn't help but smile. "Hey shank" breathed Newt quietly. "You're awake" Thomas said, finally relaxing after being tense for hours unsure whether Newt would ever wake up. "I can see that" laughed Newt. His eyes flared. Despite being ill, he still had his humour. "Thanks," Newt muttered. Thomas stared at him, puzzled. "For staying with me when no one else would. You're the only one who's really been there for me through this, I'm beyond grateful and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have by my side. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're more than just my best friend Thomas." Thomas's heart skipped a beat, he could feel the heat raising in his cheeks. He couldn't look at Newt, not now. Thomas didn't know why he was so embarrassed and shocked by this statement, it wasn't like Newt was declaring his undying love for Thomas but something just felt right. Newt had always been his best friend, he'd always loved him as a friend but now, after what Newt had said he's not too sure what he truly felt. You're more than just my best friend. What did Newt mean?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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