Chapter 10

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I woke up with a painful throbbing in my head. I groaned and sat up, I was in the bed I was in before. When I turned around and looked at the room, I was alone. I had a strange feeling, tingles spiked up my back, bad tingles like tiny needles trying to turn my skin into a sieve. I got up quietly and slowly opened the door, I listened carefully to detect if anyone else was up. I couldn't hear anything so I closed the door again and searched for my rucksack I had at the beginning of my journey. This was my chance to escape once and for all. I know I keep trying to run away but this time, I had no distractions or anyone to stop me. I'll run, leaving this territory and stay at a hotel, change my identity and keep a low profile - not making any friends with people so they can't hand me back to Xavier.

I packed my bags and got changed into black jeans, a grey T-shirt and a black zip up hoodie.
'Kate please don't do this, we've tried to run away so many times and we have finally found a mate, an alpha who doesn't abuse us!' Lyra pleaded. 'I can't believe you, remember why we are leaving? Just because we found our mate doesn't mean we can't find love with someone else. He hasn't even marked us!' I remind myself and Lyra. Lyra backed off after that. She knew I was right and it hurt her to know our mate hadn't marked us to show other wolves I've been claimed.

I reopened the door, listened for voices but I couldn't hear anything. I must admit it is a bit strange for no one to be in the house, especially Xavier. Normally he's in his office or with me, but I guess he's in a business meeting or gone out on patrol.
I guess I'll have to be EXTRA careful. 
I sneaked down stairs and to the front door. I opened it and the sunlight poured in, jeez I never realised how dark it was in here.

As I looked out, I noticed there wasn't any car in the driveway.
"What the?"
I mumbled to myself.
Right well i guess I'll just 'escape' this way? I calmly walked out the house like I lived here, the cold morning air hitting my face. I could see me breath turn into clouds as I breathed out. My ears quickly pricked up as I heard an engine rumbling its way up the driveway. I quickly ran to the woods, stupidly leaving the door wide open. Please let that not be Xavier.

I hid behind a tree just to take a quick look behind at the vehicle.

Shit. It was Xavier!
'Come on we better keep running if we actually have a chance of escape' Lyra told me. I held my gaze on Xavier, his face was of worry as he ran to the door. Should I really do this? Or just go back and make it look like I went out on a run? Xavier held the door and sniffed the handle. Suddenly he let out a huge howl and faced the woods I was currently in.
'He smelt our scent on the door! Now we really do have to run!' Lyra shouted in my mind. With that I turned and sprinted in the opposite direction to Xavier. Growls erupted from the house and I felt something trying to play with my mind. Like someone was trying to get through to me?
'It's Xavier, trying to mind link us! Let me shift and it will be easier to concentrate on our escape' Lyra pleaded.
At first I didn't believe Lyra because she's the one who wants to be with him. But after running a few more yards I sensed pack guards on patrol and warriors chasing after my scent from behind, so I shifted into my silver wolf.

I continued to run, I was questioning whether I was running in circles because there seemed no end to this territory. I quickly came up to a fast flowing river - it was massive. It went from right to left, breaking up the land into two plates - the one I was standing on and the one the other side. How was I going to cross?

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