Chapter 37

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Okay so last chapter of this book.... Dont hate me!

Months later Hazel is now 9 months pregnant. She is due anyday now so the doctors told her to take time off an relax. Her and Chad are talking but they are not together.

Hazel is sleeping and carly walks into her room

"Hazel.. its time to wake up." Hazel snores and Carly laughs. "Eh i'll let her sleep" she says to herself. She walks over to her closet and looks through her clothes. She turns around when she hears a knock on the door. She turns around and see Chad standing at the door. Carly still doesnt forgive him for all he did to Hazel but puts up with him because he's Hazel's baby daddy.

"Dont wake her up. She was up all night" Carly says and Chad nods.

"Do you hate me Carly?" Chad says and Carly looks at him.

"I don't hate you......" She says slowly. "I just don't like you right now."


"You hurt my bestfriend and i honestly think she was stupid for forgiving you." Chad sighs and sits down on the bed.

Hazel wakes up an looks around

"Hey Haze.." Chad says with a smile and he looks at her and notices something isnt right. "Whats wrong?"

Hazel lifts her sheets and her eyes get big. "G-Guys I think my water broke!"

Chad and Carly look at eachother and chad starts freaking out. Carly shakes her head and walks over to Hazel.

"Chad call Zayn and Perrie and your parents." She helps Hazel out of bed "and you... lets go get ready to have a baby!" Carly smiles and Hazel smiles.

A few hours later.

Hazel is laying in the bed and all the girls walk in.

"You're actually having a baby!" Darcy says excitability, Hazel starts laughing an Kennedy goes over an gives her a hug.

"You're going to be a amazing mother Hazel!" Kennedy says

"Ehh.. I'm sure I'll mess up somehow."

"Well thats why you have...." Scarlett gets cut off

"Me...." Chad says standing at the door.

All the girls turn around and look at him.

"Oh yeah.. Him.. But mostly us." Hazel laughs and Carly walks over to Chad.

"We need to talk." Chad says to Carly and she nods her head.

They walk out to the hallway and Carly stands by the wall.


"Look... I already talked to her parents."

"Oh god.. you're not gonna ask her to marry you again are you?"

"whats that suppose to mean?" Chad says

"You'll just get scared again and leave. I can't and won't see her heartbroken again Chad." Carly crosses her arms and Chad gives her a look.

"Look I was dumb.. and i'm not going to leave her again. And I'm not going to ask her to marry me."

"You're not?" Carly says having a stunned face.

"We never got divorced" He says with a smirk.

"You.. wait what? i saw her sign the papers?!"

"She signed them.. I never signed them."

"You.. OMG CHAD!" She hits his arms. "Why did you even file then!"

"I didn't want to. My dad made me. Like I said Shes my soul mate Carly. Why would divorce my soul mate?" He smiles and she can't help but smile.

"Fine... You're forgiven.. But I swear Chad if you hurt her.."

"Nope not happening!" He runs back in the room and Carly laughs

A hour later. Hazel is pushing and it's only Her and Chad in the room besides the doctor.

"A few more pushes Hazel." The doctor says.

Hazel lays her head back and starts crying a little.

"I can't do this Chad." Chad kisses her forhead and she looks at him.

"Yes you can you're the strongest person I know." Chad says trying to calm her down.

"Okay Hazel push." The doctor says and hazel starts pushing.

"Say something to take my mind off the pain." Hazel says as she pushes.

"Uh.. I.. We really arnt divorced." Chad says fast.

"What?!" She yells.

"Surprise!" Chad says and she stops pushing.

"But I sign the papers." She says.

"You did but I didn't.. I couldn't do it." She looks at him.

"Okay hazel one final push and your baby will be here!" the doctor says. hazel takes a deep breath and starts pushing.

Chad starts chanting a little and hazel give him a death look

"Sorry i'll just stay quiet." Chad says put his forhead on hers.

"Congratulations its a................ Boy!!" the doctor says

Chad looks over and smiles. "its a boy!"

Hazel smiles and looks at him as they take him over to a little bed.

"Where are they taking him!?"

"They're just checking him out babe." Chad says kissing her cheek.

"Oh okay." Hazel smiles and the doctor walks over with the baby

"Here you go" The doctor hands Hazel the baby, Hazel and Chad look at him."

"he's so little." Chad says

"But perfect.." Hazel says.

"Like his mommy."

"And daddy." Hazel looks up and Chad kisses her.

"What was that for?" Hazel say.

"For making me a daddy." Chad smiles and Hazel kisses him

"Thats for making me a mommy"

"Do you have a name for him yet?" The nurse ask

Hazel looks at Chad. "I have one..."

"What is it?"

"Brady Mack Cowell..." (Teen Beach Movie :P)

Chad laughs and kisses Hazel "I love it!"

(This is where you're gonna hate me!)

"Hazel wake up it's time for school!" My dad says and I open my eyes.........

Like I said I'm gonna have a sequel to this book! Since so much has changed in this fandom int he past few months. lol I promise you will love it! It's kind of like Teen Beach Movie 2. lol The second book will be different though. Some of the girls will be protrayed as different people. Hazel, and Carly are staying the same. But Kennedy, Scarlett, and Darcy will be different. I thought about Changing names but Nahhhh lol I will post a update when the new book is on here!

Dont forget to comment and to like!

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Oh and I met Ross Lynch last Saturday... Well R5 and guys he's so nice... and TALL like mg I didnt think he was that tall but he was. But he was so sweet. I was in Heaven lol

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