Chapter 13

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Last time on One Direciton's Daughters...

"i'm sorry sweetie, your mom died in a car accident 3 years ago." Michelle said

I felt the tears starting to form in my eyes, I tried to keep them in but they starting slipping down my face. 

"I'm sorry sweetie" She rubs my back. "I told you dad to tell you.."

"YOU KNEW SHE DIED AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME!" I yell at him and everyone looks at me and my dad.

"Darcy please... You're causing a scene.." My dad says trying to calm me down. 

"NO I HATE YOU. DID YOU HEAR ME I HATE YOU!" I scream at him and run off.

Darcy's POV

"Darcy!!" I heard my dad scream as I run off.

I couldnt believe he didn't tell me that my own mother died. Yeah I might of never knew her but I wanted to know her. I'm 15 years old, of course I wanted to know who my mother was.. Even if she didnt want me. 

I ran to my dorm room that I share with the girls, I open the door and slam it shut when I get inside. I slide down the door and put my face in my hands and start bawling. This is not fair. Everyone has a mom, and now.. I don't. I heard a knock and I lifted my head. 

"Go away" I yell wiping off the tears on my face.

"Darcy it's Simon, can you please open up." 

Simon? Why would Simon be here. I stood up slowly and look out the peep hole to make sure he was alone. He was so I opened the door. He walked in and I shut the door. I turned around and I saw him open his arms.

"Come here." He said and I slowly walked to him and hugged him.

"I saw what happened downstairs." 

"...Who didn't?"" I said sniffling afterwords while Simon rubbed my back calming me down.

"Darcy.. Your dad.. Theres many reasons why he never told you about your mother."

I looked at him and backed away from him.

"I still talked to your father after the band broke up Darcy. I was worried about him. Your father and mother were dating right before the band broke up. She wasn't the best person for him Darcy."

"How dare you talk about my mom like that you don't even know her!"

"Neither do you Darcy. Has your father told you why your mom left?" I shook my head no and he badded the spot next to him.

(If you listen to "There goes my life by Kenny Chesney" while reading this part you'll probably cry haha) 

"Your father was our little rebel... Partying, Drinking, at times smoking. I was worried about him. Then a few months before One Direction broke up he met your mother. Angela... that's her name." I noded. "Angela was someone I kind of pictured your father with. She wasn't famous she was just somebody he met at the bar." 

"They met at the bar?"

"Yup, your father was drunk.. She wouldn't even give him the time or day. But he never gave up." Simon started laughing a little. 

"I'm not catching on how she was bad for my dad?"

"I'm not done yet. After One Direction broke up your mother broke up with him because.. Well im not the person to tell you but it was bad. But anyways.. When your parents got back together.. year later. Your mother was a drug addict. Bad.. a few months later.. They found out you were on the way."

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