Chapter 26

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Kennedy's POV

"Brother?" I asked in a stunned voice. "How do I have a older brother? You've only been with mom and Sophia." I asked in a angry voice.

"After me an you're mom and I broke up that last time... I went out with your uncle Harry and well.." I put my hand up. I look over at TJ.

"Why did you decide to randomly show up... After what... 19 years?" I cross my arms.

"My mother kept our father a secret from me."  He stands up and the front door opens up.

"COME ON KENNEDY HAZEL IS.." Darcy stops in her tracks and looks at T.J.

"Whos this...?" Carly says 

I look over at my parents and then at the girls.

"Well uhm.. Carly, Darcy, And Scarlett.. This is T.J. ...... My Older brother." Their jaws drop and I look at T.J. 

"We have to head to the Bahama's.. Hazel is waiting for us." I grab my bag  and start walking to the door.

"T.J. would you like to join us?" Carly says and I turn around. "WHAT?"

"Well I uhm.." He says nervously.

"Its a time to get to know your sister" Carly looks at me. 'And you need to know your brother." I sigh and turn around.

"Hurry up T.J. our plane leaves in 30 minutes.." I walk out the door and to the car. 

Hazel's POV

"Well Okay we'll see you when you get here. Have a safe trip. Love you guys to. Bye." I hang up the phone and look over at Chad whos laying on the couch watching TV.

"The girls said they are going to be a little later than what they thought. But Kennedy has a surprise for us.." I yawn and sit next to him.

"Tired much babe?" He smirks and and hit him with a pillow.

"Never!" I lay down next to him and he pulls me close to him. "So I have a question.." 

"And what may that be?" he says putting his face in my neck.

I looks around and take a deep breath... "What if I.. Well.. if I wanted a.. you know.. a .. Baby......" He lefts up his head and he looks at me.

"Uhm... I thought we talked about this...."

"I know I just.." He puts a finger over my lip.

"babe... I'm not ready to be a dad yet... We just got married.. Can we enjoy being married first.."

I sigh and put on a smile. "I guess." He smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"Thats my girl" he gets up from the couch and looks back at me. "An Hey.... When I'm ready... I'll be a great dad.."

I smile and nod. "The best" he gives me a smile and walks to the set to finish his scenes for the wrap of the movie.  I put my hand on my stomach and sigh.

Darcy's POV

We get on the plane and so T.J. wouldn't have to sit alone I trade my seat and decided to get a sit next to him. 

"You really didn't have to sit by me." he says put my carry on bag above our heads.

"Eh Kennedy wasn't going to do it so.." i sit down in my seat by the window. 'have you ever been out of the country?" he sits next to me.

"No.. My mom and I never really left town unless it was to go see my grandparents."

"Oh.. Well it's fun.." I look down at my hands. "Want to have the window seat? I've been on plenty of planes." I give him a smile and he smiles a little. 

"Sure.. I mean.." I get up from my seat and he moves over. "Thanks Darcy.."

"No big." I pull my magazine out 

"Does Kennedy hate me?" He says with a sigh.

"What? No... She just.. Shes not good with change.. That's all." I say 

~5 hours later~

Kennedy's POV

We get off the plane and we head to the hotel. the whole car ride there was awkward. No one really talked. When we got there we grabbed out bags and headed inside to check in. 

"We all are sharing a room." I look over at T.J. "And if theres a extra room inside the suite you can have that room. if not you might have to sleep on the couch.. We booked the room before I knew you were going to be here.."

"Oh it's fine Kennedy.." He says, We hea up to the rooms and drops off the bags.

"We should go surprise Hazel and Chad guys.." Scarlett says

"WE SHOULD!"I say sgreeing with her. 

Darcy and Carly start laughing.

"Come on lets introduce T.J. and Hazel." Carly says. We start walking to Hazel's room. Her room as a small crack where we can see inside and we decide to peak inside. 

"Daddy will come along.. I just got to get him to think he's ready.." hazel says looking in the mirror.

We all look at eachother and look back inside. She places her hand on her stomach and we all gasp. She looks over to the door an we all fall inside.


Hey guys I'm sorry about the long wait on the upate! Just been super busy. 

I Had a question for y'all. Ive been wondering if I shoul make a second book and One Direction's Daughters. it would take place where this book woul finish off at. Or shoul I just continue writing on this one till the end? 

Like the Twist? lol 

comment and vote :) I have over 1,000 votes on this story! So thank you :) 

p.s. all the charthers will be coming back soon like Darcy's step sister and Kennedy's boyfriend an also Austin (Carly's Love intrest) Just thought I would add that lol

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