Chapter 36

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First off before I write this chapter I want to say im so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. First my grandfather passed away about a month ago. Then my computer just went wonkers. With college and working a full time job I can't always update but I will try my best to update for you guys. Thank you for all the reads and comments and votes! Oh nd yesterday was my birthday! ;) Ok Im gonna let you guys rea the story! bye!

Niall's POV

"Go on tour with us." Our daughters say. I look over at the lads and they look more confused than me, 

"Girls... We haven't been on tour in years..."

"So? Daddy you guys used to be THE group everyone loved and wanted to be."

"Yeah years ago. "Harry said and me and the lads nod in agreement.

"who even knows if we can sing together still.." Louis says an everyone looks at him. 

"Dad shut up." Scarlett says shaking her head. 

"Oh come on... Who better to watch us than our own dads?" Hazel says. "Cause I know you'll worry about me an your grandchild." Hazel adds hugging Zayn and he gives me a look. 

"....... They have a point." Zayn says

"we could make sure nothing fishy goes on.." Harry says

"And we get to spend time with them for the summer..." Liam says. 

I look over at Louis and he looks at Scarlett. 

"I like the idea...." He says and Scarlett hugs him 

"Please dad...." Carly says grabbing my hand. I sigh and nod. 

"Alright... Looks like One Direction is going on tour with their Daughters!"

"YES!" I hear all the Daughters yell Carly hugs me and I kiss her forehead. 

Liam's POV

Kennedy hugs me tight and I look over at Dani. She's smiling at Kennedy and I. I smile back and noticed she looks down a little. I walk over to her an grab her hand. 

"Whats wrong?" I say to her. 

"Oh. Uhm. Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?" She says an puts a fake smile on her face. 

"Cause I know when you are lying. Now tell me. Whats going on?"

She sighs and looks down. 

"I don;t know if this is the right time to tell you or not.."

"Tell me what. Dani you can tell me anything."

"Liam... I.."

"just spit it out. Dani.."

"I don't love you anymore Liam...." My heart drops when I hear her say that. 


"I'm sorry.. It's just.. I just love someone else.." 

"... You're joking?"

She shakes her head. "I wish I was Liam. I thought us being together raising our Daughter together would be a wonderful thing.. But..."

"You don't love me.." I say quietly. she walks over to me an puts a hand on my cheek. 

"I do love you.. but I don't LOVE you.." she sighs.. "I kind of forced Sophia to go crazy...."

"You did what....."

"I thought I wanted you back.." I hold up my hand. 

"You mean to tell me... I Divorced Sophia for no reason...."

"NO! I did love you.... But."

"Why would you... Dani I thought you were better than that....."

"Liam I'm sorry.." I shake my head and look up... "Im not the one you should say sorry to. "I Point over to Kennedy standing behind Dani. She turns around.

Kennedy's POV

"Mom... everything you said about Sophia... was a lie?" I say shaking my head. 

"No.. I just.."

"You were jealous?" 

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I thought I wanted your dad back but."

"I shake my head," Anything else you lied about?

 She stays quiet for a few minutes. "Well...."

"...... T.J. Is'nt you're brother.... He you're cousin.."

".... Wow mom... That's just.." I look over at Dad and his eyes are big. 

"I did this because I love you Kennedy.."

"I love you too mom.. But right now.. I really don't like you." I walk away and hug my dad. 

"Understandable.. I'll just get my things.. and I'll get out of your hairs.."

I look up at my dad and he nods.

"Dani wait.." He says. She turns around and looks at us. 

"If... you need a place to stay.. until you fin a new place.. You can stay with us..."

"But.. I lied to you.."

"You're still the mother of my first born..."

"thank you Liam...." She walks off and I look at my dad

"If you want to get back with Sophia.... It's okay with me.." He kind of chuckles and shakes his head

"You know Right after I broke up with you're mother... I met Sophia and started dating her... then we broke up for about... a month and a half.."

"an thats when I was conceived.." We both laugh

"And after a month I got back with Sophia and was with her ever since.. Maybe it's just time for me to be single.... and focus on you and your brother." I smile and kiss his cheek. 

"What ever you want.. As long as you still want to do the tour."

"Well duh!" I smile and we walk back to the party out back.

2 weeks later

Carly's POV

I'm at the store with my dad picking up some stuff for tour life. 

"We need food."

"Dad.. We have enough food." He puts a hand over my mouth 

"You can never have enough food." we both laugh and i grab more snacks. 

After the store we drive home and I notice someones car in the drive way. 

"Who's car is that?" I ask.

"I have no idea." My dad says pulling in to the driveway. 

"Guess we'll find out. " We both get out the car and grab the bags and head up to the door.

My dad opens the door and he looks like he just saw a ghost. 

"Dad whose here?" I walk in and see a woman with long brownish blondish hair, with a really nice tan. then I see my mom standing at the kitchen doorway with her arms crossed

"Hello Niall." She says.

I look over at my dad.

".... HI Melissa..." 

how many of you hate me right now? LOL Now let me explain myself When I started this book. Sophia just came into the One Direction picture and I hated her. Cause you know... I was used to Daniellle. But over the years she's grew on me.... I actually like her and i think she's really beautiful.

And Yes... Melissa... I have mix emotion. is Niall is happy then im happy but she hurts him once.. Bitch will go down. haha

anyways thans for reading! If you want you should follow me on Instagram or even add me on snap chat!!  My instagram name is SmidgetBridget and my snap chat name is brigetsmidget4

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