Chapter 21

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~Darcy's POV~

I looked at Dorlois and she had a smirk on her face. This was her plan all along. What if Michelle is just using my dad? No Michelle wouldn't do that. Would she? I have to keep Chad away from her as much as possible. I know it would be easier to just tell Hazel but I don't want her to worry. She's not that great with stress. I grab my bags and start walking to the bus with Dorloris. 

"See I told you." She says with smirk.

I roll my eyes and walk on the bus and all the girls are on their phones. Hazel is taking pictures with Chad, Kennedy is on the phone with Hunter, and Carly is sitting by Austin flirting with him. Sounds about normal. When the door shuts everyone looks at Doloris and myself. Chad's smile falls from his face. Oh shit...

"Guys this is Doloris.. My future step sister." She smile and waves at everyone and everyone says hi.

"Our parents thought it would be a good idea if we spent some time together before the wedding." I say looking at Chad and he stands up

"Well.. Isn't that.. Wonderful. Uh Darcy can I speak to you for a second." Chad says walking to the back of the bus where the bedrooms are at.

"Sure Chad. Uh make yourself comfortable Doloris." I put my bag down and walk to the back where Chad is. I shut the door and he has his arms cross.

"Oh don't cross your arms at me mister. You have some explaining to do." 

"What all did she tell you?" he says putting his hand through his hair.

"Well. Apparently you still love her and oh I don't know you LIED to one of my bestfriends." I say crossing my arms.

"Lied about what?" 

"That you we're a "virgin" yeah I had a feeling you were lying."

"Look. She is a psycho person. I don't love her never did, our parents set us up, I was fucking excited when she broke up with me to date someone else. Now about the virginity thing.." I stop him

"Look, she's all hung up about you, I don't care what happened between you two but I'm not the one who going to tell Hazel about you two."

"Well thank you.." I stop him again.

"Because you will, If you don't remember I'm with you for 3 months in America. I can make anything look like a accident.." I give him a look and walk out. Everyone looks at me and I smile.

~Chad's POV~

I walk out of the back room and walk over to Hazel, Doloris is sitting by her and I give her a fake smile.

"Hello Chad." She says with a smirk on her face.

"Hi Doloris." I look over at Hazel. 'babe can we talk real fast?" 

"Sure Chad. Excuse me Doloris." She gets up fro her seat and I take her hand. We walk to the back room and I shut the door. 

"Doloris is your ex girlfriend?" She says sitting on the bed.

"I.. Uhm. yeah.. how did you know?" She told me. 

"Oh.." I said quietly. "I have to tell you something else."

"You're not a virgin? I know." She smiles a little.

"What? How'd you know-" I heard you and Darcy talking. She pats the bed and I sit next to her. 

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Well.. I thought you wouldn't like me if I told you the truth.." I said and looked down. she lifts my head up and she kisses me. 

"No I still would've liked you." She smiles "I love you Chad. Even though you're a pain in my ass sometimes." She smiles and I kiss her 

"I love you too Hazel. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." She smiles.

"I'm just gonna make you wait even more." She says with a evil glare. 

"You wouldn't?" I said laughing. She lifts up a eyebrow and giggles.

"I think I should make you wait till our wedding night now."

"But.. But that could be a year?"

"Exactly." She kisses my cheek and a put my arms around her and drag her on top of me.

~Hazel's POV~

I start laughing when he pulls me on top of him, he chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest and he kisses my head. 

"Thank you for being understanding babe." he says rubbing my back

"Why wouldn't I be? I've only talked to her once and she's already sound Psycho."

"You don't even know half of it." he says with a chuckle.

"Well maybe you should tell me what all happened?" I making 2 of my fingers walk on his chest.

"You don't want to hear the story..." He says 

"Yes I do.. Maybe I'll lift the one year thing." I say and I wink at him. He laughs and sighs.

"Okay fine... It all starts 2 years ago.."

Flash back will be in Chad's POV

"Dude she is crazy...." I say to Austin. 

"Just break up with her then."

"I just can't break up with her man, My dad would have a cow."

"Look it's your life not his. He can't force you to have a girlfriend."

"At least one who put something in my drink and made me pass out then wake up naked."

"Exactly dude" He grabs the magazine off the table and theres a knock on the door.

"Chad open this door!" 

"Speaking of the devil." I walk to the door and shes holding something in her hand. 

"Uh what is that?" I asked 

"A pregnancy test"  I heard Austin spit out his drink and I turn around to him. 

"... Oh.. I.. UHm... what....." I blink my eyes. 

"I'm pregnant and you're the father Chad. We're having baby Chad!" She hugs me and I look over at Austin. 

End of Flash back. 

I look at Chad and feel a little hurt. 

"See I told you I shouldn't of told you...."

"No, No I just... She was pregnant?"

"No thank god.. She started her period a day later. I thought my life was over when she told me she was pregnant.. I didn't want kids."

"Oh..." I have a hurt face.

"Hey.. I do now, but only with you. I can't wait to start a family with you." He gives me a smile and I smile.

"Okay good." I cuddle up next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Don't listen to a word she says... Promise.?" I nod 

"I promise." theres a knock on the door and Carly walks in with er eyes covered. 

"You're so funny Carls.." I says with a slight smile.

"We're at the airport. Come on you two love birds." She walks out and I stand up and put my hand out to help Chad up.

A/N Sorry the storys been mosty about Hazel and Chad I thought I would get it our of the way before they went to America. :) 

If I can get 10 votes and 5 comments that would be awesome! :) 

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