Chapter 20

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Hazel's POV

"You're getting married!" Carly, Kennedy, Scarlett, and Darcy all screamed.

"I Know! I Know!" I screamed back jumping up and down with them. We all started laughing then Chad and my dad walked back in. Well this is a first, Chad doesnt have a scared look on his face. 

"What did my dad say?" I said putting my arms around him.

"Nothing.. Just that I better not hurt you." He gives me a smile and I smile back. 

"Oh gosh we're getting married..." I say with a slight giggle

"Mhmm" Chad said kissing my forehead. I get a smirk on my face. "Whats that face for?"

"Oh nothing..." I let go of him and he laughs. 

"Already a Cowell. Making up evil ideas." 

"Who says it's evil?" I give him a wink and walk off. 

~Darcy's POV~

"That was the best show! I'm so glad I got to see you before we head off to the states." I say hugging my dad.

"Same here pumpkin. So are you ready to meet Michelle's daughter?" He asked. I nod my head and we walk out to the hallway and I see Michelle standing with her daughter. She fairly tall, she has brown curly hair and it looks like she has some highlights in it. We walk to them and she turns around. 

"Darcy, this is Doloris. Doloris this is my daughter Darcy." I put my hand out to shake it but she pulls me in for a hug and hugs me. "I'm a hugger!" She yells out. 'It's so nice to finally meet you, your dad has said so much about you."

I look at my dad and laugh. "Well I hope they were good things" she smiled "Of course they were silly." My dad and Michelle smiled.

"Well we'll let you two have some time to get to know eachother." My dad says. Doloris smiles and nods, my dad and Michelle walk out and I look back at her. 

"Look, I'm not thrilled about this wedding either, So lets put on a god act for them." she says.

"What are you talking about? I am happy for my dad."

"I'm not talking about our parents silly." she says with a slight laugh.

"Then who are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"Chad and Hazel. Duh."


Hazel's POV

"Carly come on. Just go asked him out already!" I say pushing her toward him

"NUH UH! He has to do it!" I sigh and shake my head. 

"Carly it's 2033, girls can do anything!" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Not yet.. Hey look it's your fiance!" She yells and points to him.

"Nice try he's with his band right now."  Right hten I felt someone put there arms around my waist and I scream. "Chad!" he chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"Chad tell her to ask out Austin. She doesnt think he likes her." he gets a confused look.

"He talks about her all the time though.." He says and Carly puts her hands on her ears.

"Lalalala I can't hear you!" She says walking off. I laugh and turn around. 

"So any reason why you come up and put you arms around me?" I say getting a smile on my face.

"What I can't hug my fiance now?" he pecks my lips and I smile. "Mhmm.."

"So theres this movie I'm going to be in... Its a remake of Teen Beach Movie.... and I thought.. Maybe.. You could be the female lead in it?"

"Me act? haha you're funny Chad." 

"Oh come on. We could have our own vacation without the girls.. Our Parents.. Just us.."

".... When do I pack?" Chad Chuckles and kisses me. 

"Ew will you two save that for the bedroom" Scarlett yells. 

I start laughing and give her the finger while still kissing Chad. 

"Well.. You don't have to be so rude!"

~Darcy's POV~

"Uh what do you mean.. Hazel is my bestfriend of course i'm happy for her?"

"You don't like Chad just a tiny bit?"

"As a friend? I think it's you that likes Chad. What are you a crazy fan?"

"No I'm his ex girlfriend." She crosses her arms. "I was his first love."

"Sure Doloris, whatever you think." She pulls out a picture and shows me (On the side)

"This was at his house last summer before the x factor..."

"Doloris I think you need to let go. He's moved on and I think you should."

"No, he still loves me and When I get the lead in the movie he's going to be in he'll realize it! I was his first he'll never forget that."

"Wait.. He told Hazel he was a virgin?" Doloris laughs and looks at me. 

"Oh no sweetheart. Hes everything but a virgin." She sits down and the door opens and Hazel walks in.

"Darcy we're going on the bus.. Oh who's this?" She ask.

"Hi I'm Doloris, I'm going to be Darcy's step sister. You must be Hazel." She puts on a smile 

"Yes it's nice to meet you, You're really pretty" She smiles and looks at me. "We're leaving in 5 minutes so say your goodbyes and meet us out there... Nice to meet you again Doloris." she walks out and I look at her.

"I swear you better not do anything to ruin this for her. She loves him."

"Hmm She's so nice. Oh well." She walks out.

"Did I really just get a evil ugly step sister?" I mumble to myself and walk out as well. I walk to my dad.

"How did you and Doloris get along?" He asked. I look at her and glare alittle.

"Just fine. Just Fine.." I say witha  fake smile.

"Good, Cause she's going to America with you so you two can bond."

"Thats cool." My eyes get big. "Wait what? No dad she cant!"

"Why not?" he looks at me confused.

"..... She should stay here and help Michelle plan the wedding."

"We already have most of it done sweetie It'll give you two some time together be sisters." I sigh and nod.

"..... Okay. Come on Doloris.. Lets go.."









UH OH haha I hope you liked this chapter. Doloris looks likes Laura Marano :)

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